Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence for Design
LAI4D Reference manual
v 3.5

  1. Introduction
  2. Lai4dCL
    1. Gosyx
    2. Entity model
    3. Drawing model
      1. Reference system and drawing units
      2. Sub-drawings
      3. Interpretation process
      4. Common members in entities
      5. Polynet style members
    4. Standard entity set
      1. polynet
      2. signal image
      3. signal text
      4. signal dot
      5. signal poly
      6. face
      7. line
      8. polygon
      9. circle
      10. curve
      11. box
      12. sphere
      13. globe
      14. revolved
      15. pipe
      16. mesh
      17. patch
      18. transformation
      19. rotation
      20. scale
      21. symmetry
      22. cartesian
      23. polar
      24. view
      25. drawing
    5. Extended entity set
      1. program
      2. molecule
    6. Library of ready-made useful entities
      1. Regular polyhedrons
      2. Spiral
      3. Multi copier
  3. User interface
    1. User input
    2. On screen controls
      1. Top-left corner
      2. Top-right corner
      3. Bottom-right corner
      4. Bottom-left corner
    3. Context tools
      1. Explore as a tree 
      2. Navigate into 
      3. Navigate link 
      4. View attached user data 
    4. Dynamic zoom
  4. Tools menu
    1. Undo
    2. Redo 
    3. Design 
    4. Tree explorer 
    5. View control
    6. File
      1. Browser's storage
      2. Open server file
      3. Save server file
      4. Local drive
      5. Import/Export
      6. New drawing
    7. Options
      1. Show reference system
      2. Draw lines
      3. Draw faces
      4. Draw signals
      5. Stroke faces
      6. Apply lighting
      7. Edition options
      8. Design assistant options
      9. Advanced rendering options 
      10. Behavior options
    8. Selection & visibility
      1. Graphic selection
      2. Select auxiliary entities
      3. Invert selection
      4. Clear selection
      5. Selection source
      6. Hide selection
      7. Unhide all
    9. Edition
      1. Create entities
        1. Default properties
        2. Create line
        3. Create regular polygon
        4. Create face
        5. Create box
        6. Create regular polyhedrons
        7. Create text signal
        8. Circles and arcs
        9. Spheres
        10. Cylinders and cones
        11. Create revolved surface
        12. Create pipe
        13. Create patch
        14. Create mesh
      2. Copy entities
      3. Move entities
      4. Delete entities
      5. Clear drawing
      6. Transformations
        1. Rotate entities
        2. Scale entities
        3. Symmetric entities
        4. Align entities
        5. Transform entities
        6. Cartesian array
        7. Polar array
        8. Project to 2D
      7. Advanced edition
        1. Modify vertex
        2. Replace by polynets
        3. Batch modify
        4. Copy properties
        5. Component operations
        6. Geometric calculations
        7. Interference operations
        8. Drawing metadata
      8. Auxiliary constructions
    10. Extract information
      1. Point coordinates
      2. Measure distance
      3. Measure angle
      4. Measure polygon
      5. Physic properties
      6. Advanced
    11. Utilities
      1. Find
      2. Show attachments
      3. Activity log
      4. Color generator
      5. Base64 file encoder
      6. Iquix administration
  5. Design assistant
    1. Interface controls
    2. Working with texts
    3. Working with sketches
  6. Errors and problems
  7. Publishing LAI4D drawings
    1. Widget initialization
    2. Sharing drawings online
    3. Drawings in offline documents
  8. LAI4D architecture
    1. Working modes
    2. Storage and retrieval of drawing sources
    3. 2D and 3D graphics
    4. OCR
    5. Server side functions
    6. Start-up process
  9. Notes


LAI4D is a project whose aim is to develop and experiment artificial intelligence based technologies applicable to design processes. As a convenience for the project, LAI4D has been implemented as a free light 3D CAD application encapsulated in a web widget. This widget can be easily embedded in other web pages in the form of an IFRAME element whose URL indicates the drawing source. LAI4D widgets allow to render, explore and edit 3D drawings in web pages without the need of plugins because it is pure HTML5. The rendering engine can work both with WebGL or canvas 2D contexts, so the widgets can be displayed in any web browser even if the device is not WebGL enabled.

The tools integrated in the widget facilitate not only the sharing but also the design of the drawing. One of the most important advantages of this technology is Lai4dCL, a simple and natural description language used to define the drawings. The user, regardless of his technical skills, will find the comprehension of the language immediate. This fact combined with a minimalist design tool will allow the user to get visible results in minutes without previous training or CAD knowledge. The truth is that the user only needs to understand what a 3D coordinate is for a basic usage. The design functionality is highly focused on facilitating full control over the deepest detail of the drawing definition. As opposed to most modern applications, direct source edition as plain text takes again relevance in LAI4D because it is straightforward for occasional and inexperienced users requiring a minimum learning effort. For those other users willing to do a more advanced usage of the design tool, LAI4D offers a conventional command and graphic interface with a lot of functions and options which grows continuously.

But to develop a professional CAD tool is not the main goal of LAI4D. This tool incorporates a special design assistant which encapsulates the research effort carried out in the field of artificial intelligence applied to engineering. Its objective could be explained as the capability of understanding the user ideas. The sketch interpreter of the design assistant implements experimental AI algorithms able of extracting 3D conceptual geometries from pictures or sketches provided by the user as input. Version after version LAI4D improves this technology by investing more time and talent exploring the way of emulating one of the most challenging cognitive functions of the human brain.

This document covers the functionality of the standard LAI4D widget. Functionalities of customized widgets or loadable custom modules are covered in their corresponding documentation. The firsts sections of the document cover the description language Lai4dCL, the functions of the user interface and the publishing of drawings. The last section dedicated to the LAI4D architecture, although not entering into deep technical details, may require an elemental knowledge about web development for a complete understanding. Part of the functionality explained is only available in design mode. The user should take into account that this is a reference document, not a training document. Several tutorials with sample exercises thoroughly explained are available on the LAI4D official website.


The LAI4D Canonical Language is the language used for describing the source of LAI4D drawings and other data structures. It is based on the Gosyx syntax and the Iquix entity model. As an analogy, Lai4dCL can be equated to SVG and Gosyx can be equated to XML.
Lai4dCL is one of the most important characteristics of LAI4D. Design applications have two clearly distinguishable data layers: one intended for the internal computation processes (internal format), and other one intended for exchange purposes (exchange format). Traditionally this exchange format has not been designed with the idea of facilitating its direct edition by the user, and it is assumed that the user always edits it through the design tool. While the use of a design tool for editing a design is something logic, the truth is that this philosophy has led to a situation in which the design data itself has become something almost unreachable without the availability of the appropriate software. Lai4dCL breaks up with this tendency trying to offer the design data in a clear way and, together with the widget architecture, it has the following advantages:
  • Its simplicity, which allows to describe geometric entities as plain text in an intuitive way providing only the information strictly necessary, and without facing complex syntactic rules.
  • The direct source edition capability implemented in the LAI4D widget, which allows to inspect, create or modify the entities of the drawing directly as text, offering a transparent and understandable access to the full definition of the design displayed. Furthermore, this capability reduces to the minimum the interaction with the command and graphic interface of the application, something particularly useful for inexperienced and occasional users.
  • The possibility of passing a drawing source composed of a single entity or a complete drawing to the LAI4D widget through the URL start-up instructions in order to render it. 
  • The easiness with which the designs can be shared and managed as a text fragment or even as a single text line which, in return, increases the options of working with the drawings.


A data structure is a set of data items like text strings or numbers conveniently organized for the target application, and that organization needs a set of syntactic rules. In the case of Lai4dCL the rules are given by Gosyx that stands for "good syntax" and is part of the Iquix framework. See the following sample data structure:
This data structure is a "face" entity definition in Lai4dCL. The simple elements, strings and numbers, appear enclosed by curly brackets. In return, elements can also be grouped in compound elements enclosing them in curly brackets. A compound element can be composed of other simple or compound elements what leads to a hierarchical structure. While the content of a simple element is a set of characters, the content of a compound element is a set of other elements and any character outside a simple element is ignored. These ignored characters are called interstitial characters and, although void of information, can be very useful to provide format to compound elements. They are normally white spaces like carriage returns, tabulators or spacers but any character can be an interstitial character. For example, the compound element “{{some data}{other data}}” can also be written as “{interstitial{some data}characters{other data}ignored}”; and the previous face entity can also be written without interstitial characters in a more compact way as “{{type}{face}{vertices}{{{0}{0}{0}}{{0}{2}{0}}{{0}{2}{2}}}}”. Interstitial characters could be used for commenting but there is a specific mechanism to do that. Any set of characters enclosed between number signs "#" will be ignored by the parser so this special character can be used for commenting purposes. As an example the element “{{some# data}{other# data}}” is equivalent to “{{some data}}”.

The curly brackets are special characters in Gosyx. Since special characters have a special meaning in Gosyx, there should be a way to codify such special characters when they are part of the definition of an element without the risk of confusion. The vertical bar is a special character that allows the inclusion of special characters in the internal definition of a simple element replacing them for their numeric code enclosed by vertical bars. Suppose a text string “ID{A-FGT}-Y”. It cannot be codified in Gosyx as “{ID{A-FGT}-Y}” because it generates a confusion. The correct way to codify that element in Gosyx is “{ID|123|A-FGT|125|-Y}”. The codes of the Gosyx special characters are: "{" 123, "}" 125, "|" 124, "#" 35. Indeed this mechanism permits the replacement of any character, special or not, by its numerical code.

Entity model

The data structures used in Lai4dCL are called entities. An entity, like the previous face entity, is a map of unpacked key-value pairs, it is to say, the even elements (beginning at 0) are keys and the odd elements are values. The key elements are always simple elements while the value elements can be simple or compound. Each key-value pair is a member of the entity, therefore the given sample of a face entity has two members: "type" and "vertices". The order in which the members are provided in the entity is meaningless. For example, the face entity could also be written as “{{vertices}{{{0}{0}{0}}{{0}{2}{0}}{{0}{2}{2}}}{type}{face}}”.
The entity model of Lai4dCL defines a few standard members for its entities with special purposes:
  • type: The name of the entity class. Its value is a simple element. All entities should define this member. If an entity does not define this member it will be considered a group entity.
  • folder: The container for other entities. Its value is an element composed of other entities that are considered child entities. A folder member can be seen as a branch in the entity tree.
  • name: An identifier that should be unique in the entity tree. Its value is a simple element. It is used for referencing purposes.
  • inherit: Reference to an entity which members are to be inherited into this one. Its value is a simple element. Inheritance will be discussed later.
The root entity of a LAI4D drawing is a drawing entity whose type is "drawing" and whose folder member contains the entity definitions that build up the drawing. This root entity must be interpreted before the drawing can be rendered. The entity catalog of Lai4dCL defines a series of entity prototypes indicating what members can be used in each entity type and what their meaning is. Not all members of the prototype are mandatory for the entity and, in return, an entity can use members unrelated to its prototype which will be ignored during interpretation.

The inheritance strategy of Lai4dCL is a powerful characteristic that allows to easily define an entity or part of an entity from another one. In return, when an inherited entity is modified the heir entity inherits the changes. If an entity declares the "inherit" member then any member not directly declared in the entity can be inherited from the entity referenced in the "inherit" member. The value of the "inherit" member can be:
  • The name of an entity. The search algorithm will begin the search in the root entity and will return the first occurrence of an entity in the entity tree with that name. This is absolute inheritance.
  • A dot "." character. In this case the inherited entity is the parent entity regardless of whether it has a name or not. This is relative inheritance.
The only members that cannot be inherited are "inherit" and "name"; all other members, including "type" and "folder" can be inherited. If the inherited entity is the parent entity then the "folder" member is not inherited either.
See the following drawing sample that uses inheritance:

The drawing is composed by two entities:
  1. A line defined by three vertices.
  2. A curve defined by the same three vertices of the line.
The curve entity could also be written as “{{type}{curve}{vertices}{{{0}{0}}{{10}{10}}{{20}{0}}}}”. Instead of that, giving a name to the line entity allows to inherit its members and, then, the curve entity whose "inherit" member points to the entity named "a" can inherit the member "vertices" since it is not declared in the curve entity but it does in the line entity. In the other hand, the "type" member is declared in the curve entity so it cannot be inherited from the line entity. Since the name search algorithm begins the search in the root entity, the order in which the entities are defined is meaningless. The algorithm stops the search at the first match; the comparisons are case sensitive. Inheritance is recursive, this means that if the entity A inherits from the entity B and the entity B inherits from the entity C then the entity A can also inherit from C the members not directly declared in A or B. If the search algorithm does not found the entity referenced in the "inherit" member then nothing is inherited.
The following example illustrates the usage of absolute and relative inheritance:
{line color}
{line color}

In this case the drawing is composed by:
  1. A group entity (the "type" member is an empty string, this member could have been omitted). It declares a "line color" member (red) and a "folder" member whose child entities are:
    1. The already known curve entity that inherits from the entity named "a".
    2. The already known line entity named "a" defined by three vertices. Now it also declares an "inherit" member whose value is a dot what means that it inherits from its parent entity, in this case the group entity.
  2. An entity that does not declare a type but declares a "vertices" member, a "line color" member (blue) and inherits from the "a" entity.
The curve entity inherits from the "a" entity the "vertices" member; additionally it inherits the "line color" member of the group entity because the line entity named "a" inherits it from its parent which is the group entity. Therefore the curve entity and the line entity named "a" are painted in red. The last entity that does not declare an entity type inherits its "type" member from the entity named "a" so its type is "line". Since this entity declares its own members "vertices" and "line color" they are not inherited from the entity named "a", therefore its color is blue. Group entities are useful for defining common members to be inherited by its child entities.
While the usage of inheritance is simple, the edition of a drawing that exploits inheritance may present confusion so it shall be handled with care. Changes on inherited entities may lead to unexpected changes in heir entities or may break inheritance chains resulting in entity disappearing or even interpretation errors. The Lai4dCL inheritance strategy allows a good control over what is inherited since the user can select not only which entity to inherit from using the "inherit" member, but also which members must not be inherited declaring them in the heir entity, even with an empty value.

Once the concept of entity has been examined, it is important to differentiate the concept of node tree from the concept of entity tree. In any Gosyx structure the elements can be considered nodes of a tree because an element can have child elements. In a similar way, an entity can hold child entities within its folder member so this structure can be considered an entity tree. Any entity itself is a Gosyx structure, but not all Gosyx structures can be entities, only those structured as a set of unpacked key-value pairs can be. Therefore an entity tree is always a Gosyx node tree, but a node tree is not necessarily an entity tree.

Drawing model

A drawing is a tree structure of entities in which the root entity is of type "drawing". This means that the "drawing" entity contains the rest of entities. The most basic "drawing" entity only needs two members for indicating the type and the drawing content resulting in the prototype {{type}{drawing}{folder}{}}; the rest of entities are placed within the folder member. If necessary, the "drawing" entity can also have members for specifying the view definition or the background color as explained in the section "Standard entity set".

Reference system and drawing units
The geometric information defining the entities is mainly established through coordinates that, in return, have only meaning with respect a reference system. Assuming a normal disposition in which the observer sees the positive side of the X axis oriented from left to right and the positive side of the Y axis oriented from bottom to top, the standard reference system used in LAI4D has the positive side of the Z axis oriented towards the observer. It is possible to configure the opposite orientation for the Z axis including the flag "inverted z" in the member "flags" in the root "drawing" entity.
There is a reference system for the graphic entities rendered in the scene. The coordinates of the geometries defining the entities are expressed in scene coordinates. There is another reference system used to position the projected entities in the viewport named camera reference system. Its origin is at the center of the viewport, the X axis is parallel to the horizontal sides of the viewport and the Y axis is parallel to the vertical sides of the viewport. When the entities of the scene are projected, their scene coordinates are processed together with the view configuration in order to obtain the camera coordinates what, in return, allows to render the scene in the viewport. The camera reference system can be seen as the reference system of the screen. The Z coordinate in the camera reference system indicates the depth and is used to hide far objects behind closer objects.
Standard scene

Inverted Z scene

Camera reference system

For defining the relative position of the camera reference system with regard the scene reference system three angles are used:
  • Longitude: Assuming a zero inclination of the camera, the longitude is the angle between the camera's X' axis and the scene's X axis. A positive angle is in the direction from X to Y.
  • Latitude: Assuming a zero inclination of the camera, the latitude is the angle between the camera's Y' axis and the scene's XY plane. It also is the angle between the camera's Z' axis and the scene's Z axis regardless of the inclination of the camera. A positive angle is in the direction from the XY plane to the Z axis.
  • Inclination: Expresses the rotation around the Z' axis of the camera's reference system. When inclination is zero the camera's X' axis is contained in the XY plane of the scene's reference system. Positive inclination is in the same sense as that of a screw advancing in the positive direction of the camera's Z' axis (clock wise).
These three angles are the componentes of the member "orientation" in a "view" entity. A better understanding of the camera orientation can be achieved examining the following graphic where the longitude is α, the latitude is β and the inclination is ɣ. The scene reference system is painted in red and the camera reference system is painted in blue.

All the coordinates and measures in the scene are unit less. This means that it is up to the user which physical unit is represented by the drawing units. The camera coordinates are expressed in pixels. See also the sections "View control", "view" entity type and "Top-right corner".

Graphic entities like polynets, spheres or any other are not intended to contain child entities but to define the necessary information to generate the corresponding rendering. However, in LAI4D, graphic entities can have a sub-drawing definition in its "folder" member. Thanks to this, the drawing can be navigated not only from a spatial point of view, but also from a logical point of view much the same as a tree of folders in which an entity can be opened and explored showing its sub-drawing if defined. Here is an example in which a sphere contains a sub-drawing with a box:
The child entities contained in the "folder" member of a graphic entity are not rendered until the user expressly navigates into that graphic entity, moment in which the current drawing shown in the viewport is replaced by the sub-drawing and that graphic entity becomes the navigated entity. This strategy brings a possibility for defining complex drawings avoiding the overload of the computing resources involved in the rendering and the saturation of the viewport with unnecessary details that cannot be comfortably exploited. In theory, view entities could also have child entities in the "folder" member but, since they are not graphic entities, the user wouldn’t be able to navigate into the corresponding sub-drawing.
In the same way a "drawing" entity is the root of a drawing acting as parent of the entities contained in its "folder" member, any graphic entity can be considered the root of the sub-drawing defined by its "folder" member. The sub-drawings can be nested since any graphic entity defined in a sub-drawing can declare, in return, a "folder" member with a new sub-drawing defined in it. The "folder" member does not constitute an encapsulation so entities defined in a sub-drawing can inherit from entities defined in the parent drawing and vice versa.
Sub-drawings can be navigated performing a long press event on an entity and selecting "Navigate into" in the context tools. See "Context tools" and "Show attachments" for more information.

Interpretation process
Although LAI4D is capable of rendering several types of entities, the truth is that there is only one type of intrinsically renderable entity: the polynet. Any other type of graphic entity is to be converted into a polynet or a set of polynets during the interpretation process before it can be rendered. When LAI4D interprets the entity tree it behaves according to the entity type found following the next rules:
  • Group entity: Its type is empty or undefined, it is not a graphic entity and it is not involved in the rendering process. They are used for grouping purposes building up the tree structure of the drawing. The child entities found in the "folder" member will be interpreted. A group entity is also useful for inheritance since it can have a name and the child entities can inherit its members. It is to be taken into account the fact that an entity can inherit the member "type" from another entity, therefore an entity that does not declare that member but inherits it may not be considered a group; this is the typical situation of clone entities which inherit all or most of the members of the cloned entity including the type. There are other entity types intended for transformations (transformation, scale, rotation...) that are not group entities but can work in a similar way.
  • View definition: Its type is "view", it is not a graphic entity but it is involved in the rendering process because it defines the render frame size and position, the projection type, the camera orientation, the zoom, etc. A drawing can have several view definitions each of which defines a render frame and the way the model is represented in that frame but the current LAI4D version only considers the first one which is applied to the main viewport.
  • Polynet: Its type is "polynet" and is a graphic entity. A polynet defines a set of vertices, a set of faces, a set of lines, a set of signals and other properties defining colors or line widths for example. Signals are 2D graphic entities that are always painted parallel to the projection plane regardless of the camera orientation. They can be images, texts, circular dots and polygonals. Each signal is anchored to a vertex of the polynet so it has a 3D position and is scaled according to depth in perspective projections. A signal cannot exist outside a polynet.
  • Drawing: Its type is "drawing" and it is meant to be the root of the drawing providing configuration or description members, apart from the "folder" member that holds the entities to be rendered. Essentially it is handled as a group entity. It should not be used in any other situation.
  • Other entity types: When LAI4D interprets a drawing it scans the tree structure searching for intrinsic entities that can be directly understood. If it founds an entity of not intrinsic type then a cascade conversion process begins. LAI4D tries to find a conversion function in its registered libraries suitable for the type of the entity. If such a function is not found then the entity is ignored, else LAI4D passes the entity as argument to the function waiting for the conversion result. The expected result of the function is a new tree structure of entities that is scanned and interpreted again by LAI4D since it may not be composed of intrinsic entities. The resulting intrinsic entities can be polynets or view definitions. This cascade process continues until the whole drawing tree is built up only with intrinsic entities. Such a drawing is called the interpreted drawing.
Each entity type has its own specific members whose information is processed during interpretation in order to obtain the final polynet that can be rendered. But an entity can declare other members not related to its type. Those members are not processed during the conversion of the entity into a polynet, however, they are not ignored but directly passed to the resulting polynet. This means that an entity can declare members specifically intended to be used after the conversion into a polynet. The "Polynet style members" are typically used in this way. Of course an entity can declare members neither related to its type nor to polynets, and that are completely ignored by the interpreter remaining on the interpreted drawing but having no effect on the rendering process.

The drawing source is interpreted on start-up and always the design is modified.

Common members in entities
The following members can be used in all or most entity types, here their meaning is explained:
  • type: Indicates the type of the entity. If the type is unknown to the interpreter then the entity will be ignored and an issue will be notified. An entity without type is a group entity.
  • inherit: An entity can use a member "inherit" to hold a string that makes reference to another entity from which to inherit its members. If the member "inherit" is undefined or its value is an empty string then it means that there is no inheritance. If the value of the member "inherit" is a dot "." then it means that the entity must inherit from its parent entity. In other case it is assumed to be the "name" of another entity. This strategy allows both an absolute inheritance using a name and a relative inheritance using a dot as name. See the "Entity model" section for more details.
  • name: An entity can have an identifier placed in the member "name" that should be unique in the entity tree. An empty string is not a valid name and cannot be referenced. A dot can't be used as name either. The "name" member is the counter part of the "inherit" member for absolute inheritance.
  • folder: The folder is the member that allows to nest entities into another one constructing in that way the entity tree. It is important to bear in mind that this containment is a logical containment not a topological one. This means that the sizes or locations of the entities contained have nothing to do with the size or location of the container entity. When a graphic entity defines a folder member with child entities it is considered to have an attachment. Entities inside a folder member can be inherited from outside. See the "Sub-drawings" section for more details.
  • transform: A list of three 3D vectors representing the columns of the transformation matrix to be applied to the entity before rendering; for example { {{0.5}{0}{0}} {{0}{0.5}{0}} {{0}{0}{0.5}} }. This member is applicable to graphic entities. A group entity is not a graphic entity and this member only has sense in such an entity for inheritance purposes. For applying a transformation to a group of entities see the "transformation" entity type. If both "transform" and "translate" members are present then the transformation is applied first and the translation later. Note that a set of entities intended for transformation is also available.
  • translate: A 3D vector representing the translation vector to be applied to the entity before rendering; for example {{0}{10}{20}}. This member is applicable to graphic entities. A group entity is not a graphic entity and this member only has sense in such an entity for inheritance purposes. For applying a translation to a group of entities see the "transformation" entity type. If both "transform" and "translate" members are present then the transformation is applied first and the translation later.
  • user data: It is intended to hold any data the user needs. This data can be simple such as a string or a number; or it can be a more complex data structure. When an entity defines an user data member it is considered to have an attachment. See the "Context tools" section for more details.
  • link: It defines an URL which can be opened in a new browser window as a standard HTML link. The link can point to any common HTML resource such as images, HTML pages, or even other LAI4D drawings. The URL can also be a data URI obtained with the utility "Base64 file encoder". When an entity defines a link member it is considered to have an attachment. See the "Context tools" section for more details.
  • ignore: When its value is non-zero indicates that the interpreter must ignore the entity. It is intended to permit the hiding of entities in the drawing. A hidden entity can be inherited and, if the heir entity declares the member "ignore" then the heir entity can be visible while the inherited entity is invisible. If a group entity (no type) is ignored then the entities contained will also be ignored regardless of whether they define the "ignore" member or not, but they still can be inherited; this is particularly useful for defining invisible libraries of components that can be replicated in several parts of the drawing through inheritance. See the "Selection & visibility" section for more details.
  • labels: It is intended to contain simple text pieces that label the entity. As opposed to the "folder" member that allows a hierarchical organization of the entities, the "labels" member allows to group entities in at will.

Polynet style members
Graphic entities can declare other members not directly related to their type, particularly some involved in polynet styling like "line color" or "face color" for instance. Since any graphic entity is converted into a polynet during interpretation, those members unrelated to the entity type but related to polynets are directly passed to the resulting polynet. The meaning of such style members is explained next:
  • line width: The line width in pixels. By default 1.
  • line color: A set of up to 4 numbers in the range [0, 1] with the components of a RGBA color to be applied to line elements. By default {{0}{0}{0}{1}}.
  • face color: A set of up to 4 numbers in the range [0, 1] with the components of a RGBA color to be applied to face elements. By default {{0.8}{0.9}{1}{1}}.
  • face curved: If this member is non-zero then the brightness of the faces of the polyhedron is rendered in a manner that visually produces a curved surface effect. This option is only considered in WebGL context.
  • fill: If this member is non-zero and there is not a "faces" member then for each line definition in the member "lines" the corresponding filled polygon will be rendered. This member is intended to allow the generation of surface geometries from linear entities.
  • stroke: If this member is non-zero and there is not a "lines" member then for each face definition in the member "faces" the corresponding closed stroked polygon will be rendered. This member is intended to allow the generation of linear geometries from surface entities.
  • vertex colors: A list of RGBA colors, one for each vertex. When rendering the faces or lines of the polynet, the rendering engine interpolates linearly the colors between the vertices in WebGL rendering context, or calculates the averaged color of the vertices in canvas 2D rendering context. The colors exceeding the number of vertices are ignored and missing colors are replaced by transparent black. This member overrides the members "line color" and "face color" if defined.
When the style members are not declared the renderer internally applies the default values. Each entity type can have its own specific style members.

Standard entity set

This is the set of entities intended for general use.

It builds a polynet entity which can contain faces, lines and signals. A polynet defines a set of vertices, a set of faces, a set of lines, a set of signals and styles for them. Signals are 2D graphic entities that are always painted parallel to the projection plane regardless of the camera orientation. They can be images, texts, circular dots and polygons. Each signal is anchored to a vertex of the polynet so it has a 3D position. Details:
The polynet is the only intrinsically renderable entity. Any other type of graphic entity is to be converted into a polynet or a set of polynets before it can be rendered. Each face or line is defined as a set of indices that points to the given vertices. These are the members of this entity type:
  • vertices: Mandatory. A list of 3D points each of which is a list of three coordinates XYZ, as for instance {{0.5}{30}{7.34}}. Actually each point could have less than three coordinates; the last omitted coordinates will be replaced by 0.
  • faces: A list of faces each of which is a set of indices that points to the given vertices, as for instance {{0}{1}{2}{3}}. A face can have any number of vertices greater than two and, in theory, they should be in the same plane but this requirement is not mandatory. LAI4D does not perform any checking in the given set of vertices, it simply projects the vertices and paints the corresponding polygon which may seem strange if that set of vertices is not well constructed. LAI4D triangulates the faces always in WebGL and, if configured, in canvas 2D too.
  • lines: A list of lines each of which is a set of indices that points to the given vertices, as for instance {{0}{1}{2}{3}}. A line can have any number of vertices greater than one. In order to build a closed line the last index must coincide with the first one.
  • signals: A container of signal entities. The signals can be of type "signal image", "signal text", "signal dot", "signal poly". The order in which the signals are declared in this member is important because when a group of signals share the same anchored vertex they have the same depth and there is no other way to know the painting order. See the corresponding signal definition for more details.
Additionally this entity can declare the "Polynet style members" which can also be used in other entities.

signal image
Generates an image with the given source, offset and size. A signal entity can only be part of the "signals" member of a polynet. Details:
These are the members of this entity type:
  • anchor: Mandatory. Index of the vertex to which this signal is anchored.
  • offset: A set of two numbers with the X and Y offsets of the bottom-left corner of the signal with respect the anchor point.
  • size: Mandatory. A set of two numbers with the width and height of the signal.
  • src: Mandatory. A string with the path of the image file as it should be assigned to the "src" attribute of an IMG element. This string can also be a data URI obtained with the utility "Base64 file encoder". Images are loaded asynchronously so their visualization may not be immediate. If the image file cannot be loaded no error is raised.
The dynamic loading of files can be problematic for a number of reasons. The simplest cause could be an error in the file path. But it can also be a cross domain restriction or a limitation of the browser when working offline.

signal text
Generates a text with the given string, styles, offset and size. A signal entity can only be part of the "signals" member of a polynet. Details:
These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • anchor: Mandatory. Index of the vertex to which this signal is anchored.
  • offset: A set of two numbers with the X and Y offsets of the bottom-left corner of the signal with respect the anchor point.
  • text: Mandatory. A string with the text to be rendered.
  • line color: The RGBA color used for rendering the signal.
  • font size: Mandatory. A number with the height of the text.
  • font style: Any valid value for the font-style CSS property such as "italic" for instance; "normal" by default.
  • font weight: Any valid value for the font-weight CSS property such as "bold" for instance; "normal" by default.
  • font family: Any valid value for the font-family CSS property such as "Arial" for instance; "monospace" by default.
In WebGL rendering context text signals are created in a canvas 2D context and then passed to the WebGL context as a texture image. This could result in a partial loss of quality.

signal dot
Generates a circular dot with the given radius and color. A signal entity can only be part of the "signals" member of a polynet. Details:
These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • anchor: Mandatory. Index of the vertex to which this signal is anchored.
  • radius: Radius of the circle that represents the dot.
  • line color: The RGBA color used for rendering the signal.

signal poly
Generates a polygonal line with the given geometry and styles. A signal entity can only be part of the "signals" member of a polynet. Details:
These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • anchor: Mandatory. Index of the vertex to which this signal is anchored.
  • points: Mandatory. A list of 2D points each of which is a list of two coordinates XY, as for instance {{0.5}{30}}. Actually each point could have less than two coordinates; the last omitted coordinates will be replaced by 0.
  • line width: The line width. By default 1.
  • line color: The RGBA color used for rendering the signal.

It builds a simple polygonal face. The only necessary data are the vertices of the polygon. A face can have any number of vertices greater than two and, in theory, they should be at the same plane but this requirement is not mandatory. Details: LAI4D does not perform any checking in the given set of vertices, it simply projects the vertices and paints the corresponding polygon which may seem strange if that set of vertices is not well constructed. LAI4D triangulates the faces always in WebGL and, if configured, in canvas 2D too. Line styles are ignored unless the widget is configured to stroke the faces. See the "Options" section for more details.

It builds a simple polygonal line. The only necessary data are the vertices of the polygon. Additionally it can be indicated if the polygonal line is closed providing the member "closed" with a non-zero value; by default the line is not closed. Details: Face styles are ignored.

It builds a regular 2D polygon with the given number of sides and circumscribed to a circle of the given radius. Details:
The entity is generated at the plane Z = 0 with the center at the origin. For changing the center the member "translate" can be used. The algorithm places the side with the lowest Y parallel to the X axis. These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • radius: Mandatory. Positive radius if the circle to which the polygon is circumscribed to.
  • sides: Mandatory. An integer greater than 2 indicating the number of sides of the polygon.

It builds a 2D circle with the given radius. By default the circle is complete but the user can indicate an angle in the member "angle" in order to obtain a partial arc. Details:
The entity is generated at the plane Z = 0 with the center at the origin. To get an ellipse, or to place the circle at another position of the 3D space the members "transform" and "translate" can be used. The density of the polygon that represents the circle depends on the configuration parameter "Tessellation". See the "Options" section for more details. These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • radius: Mandatory. Positive radius if the circle.
  • angle: Optional. The angle is expressed in degrees. If the member "angle" is provided then an arc with the given amplitude is generated in the standard way, it is to say, from the X axis growing anticlockwise.

It builds a 3D curved line interpolated from the given set of points in the "vertices" member. Declaring the member "closed" with a non-zero value will build a closed curve. Details: The curve generated is invariant before linear affine transformations that preserve the form of the geometry such as rotations or uniform scalings. The curve generated from a subset of vertices is equal to the curve fragment corresponding to that subset of vertices but the first and last segments. If two consecutive vertices are equal then the corresponding segment evaluates to a single point. If two consecutive vertices are equal and the next two consecutive vertices are also equal then a straight segment is generated between the two pairs of vertices. Thanks to this the "curve" entity can represent linear geometries mixing straight and curved segments. That is the reason because this interpolation algorithm is used by other entity types as a generic profile generator. The colors of the "vertex colors" member are also interpolated what can be used for artistic purposes. The density of the polygon that represents the curve depends on the configuration parameter "Tessellation".

It builds a box from the given diagonal with the edges parallel to the reference system axes. Details: The member "diagonal" contains the three dimensions of the box. One of the vertices is at the origin and the opposite one is at the coordinates indicated by the member "diagonal".

It builds a compact sphere with the given radius. Details:
The entity is a polyhedron generated with a recursive algorithm that begins with a regular octahedron. An iteration of the algorithm divides each triangular face of the previous iteration into four new triangular faces. The entity is created with the center at the origin. For changing the center the member "translate" can be used. The member "face curved" should be provided with a non-zero value in order to obtain a curved face brightness effect instead of a polyhedron brightness effect. These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • radius: Mandatory. Positive radius if the sphere.
  • iterations: Optional. If the member "iterations" is provided then its value will be used for the number of iterations; else the number of iterations will be estimated according to the configuration parameter "Tessellation". If "iterations" is 0 then a regular octahedron is obtained; with 4 iterations a sphere of great quality is obtained.

It builds a standard polar globe with the given radius and the specified number of parallels and meridians. Details:
The meridians are lines from one pole of the globe to the other one. The parallels are closed lines (last vertex equal to the first), two of them correspond to the poles and have all the vertices located at the pole. The resulting entity has (parallels * meridians) vertices. The poles are at the Z axis. The entity is created with the center at the origin. For changing the center the member "translate" can be used. The member "face curved" should be provided with a non-zero value in order to obtain a curved face brightness effect instead of a polyhedron brightness effect. These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • radius: Mandatory. Positive radius if the globe.
  • meridians: Mandatory. The desired number of meridians must be at least 3.
  • parallels: Mandatory. The desired number of parallels must be at least 3.

It builds a surface of revolution with the given profile around the Z axis that can optionally be a screw like surface. By default the amplitude of the revolution is complete, but an optional member "angle" can be provided for indicating another amplitude. Cones and cylinders can be generated using a straight segment as profile. Details:
The density of the polyhedron that represents the generated surface depends on the configuration parameter "Tessellation". The member "face curved" should be provided with a non-zero value in order to obtain a curved face brightness effect instead of a polyhedron brightness effect. Obtaining a "revolved" entity can be easily achieved creating a "curve" entity and replacing the value of its member "type" by "revolved". These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • vertices: Mandatory. The profile is defined in the "vertices" member by a set of 3D points which will be interpolated to generate a curve with the same algorithm as the "curve" entity so it does not need to be planar. Since the rotation axis is the Z axis the profile should not be defined in a plane parallel to the XY plane, although it is not an error. The profile needs at least two points.
  • closed: Optional. By declaring the member "closed" with a non-zero value the profile will be a closed curve.
  • vertex colors: Optional. A list of RGBA colors; one color per vertex of the profile.
  • angle: Optional. The angle is expressed in degrees. The sense of rotation for a positive angle is the same as that of a screw advancing in the direction of the axis.
  • advance: Optional. Screw like surfaces can be generated using the optional member "advance" which indicates the total advance length of the screw.

It builds a pipe surface with the given profile along the given guideline. Both profile and guideline can be closed. Extruded surfaces can be generated using a straight segment as guideline. Details:
The profile is assumed to be referenced to the origin {0,0,0} and to the orientation defined by the Z axis. To take this into account is important because the guideline can be defined anywhere in the space regardless of how the profile is defined (this is also useful for inheritance purposes). The surface is built translating copies of the profile from the origin (reference point of the profile) to the points of the guideline and, at the same time, reorienting the profile copy making the reference Z axis tangent to the guideline. Due to the generator algorithm tries to achieve geometric coherence for closed guidelines, the surface may look a bit twisted along curved fragments of the guideline. These are the members of this entity type:
  • vertices: Mandatory. A set of 3D points defining the profile. It will be interpolated to generate a curve with the same algorithm as the "curve" entity so it does not need to be planar. The profile needs at least two points.
  • closed: Optional. If non-zero then indicates that the profile will be a closed curve.
  • vertex colors: Optional. A list of RGBA colors; one color per vertex of the profile.
  • guide. Mandatory. A set of 3D points defining the guideline. It will be interpolated to generate a curve with the same algorithm as the "curve" entity so it does not need to be planar. The guideline needs at least two points
  • closed guide: Optional. If non-zero then indicates that the guideline will be a closed curve.
The colors of the "vertex colors" member are also interpolated what can be used for artistic purposes. The density of the polyhedron that represents the generated surface depends on the configuration parameter "Tessellation". The member "face curved" should be provided with a non-zero value in order to obtain a curved face brightness effect instead of a polyhedron brightness effect.

It builds a simple tabulated surface based on an array of vertices given in the member "table". The member "smooth" allows to generate a curved surface that passes through the given set of vertices. This entity is typically used for building irregular surfaces from arrays of points or organic surfaces based on frames, and can also be used for ruled surfaces. Details:
The vertices are distributed as a set of rows in a table. The number of vertices in a row is the number of columns of the table and must be the same for all rows. Each face is defined by four vertices. These are the members of this entity type:
  • table: Mandatory. The list with the rows of vertices. It needs at least two rows, and a row needs at least two vertices in which case the mesh would have only one face.
  • closed s: Optional. If non-zero then indicates that the surface must be closed in the "s" direction which corresponds to the rows.
  • closed t: Optional. If non-zero then indicates that the surface must be closed in the "t" direction which corresponds to the columns.
  • smooth: Optional. If non-zero then indicates that the surface must be smooth. This member allows to create organic surfaces with an accurate control over the points through which the surface must pass. The density of the polyhedron that represents the surface depends on the configuration parameter "Tessellation". The smoothed surface is generated using an interpolation algorithm based on the one used for the "curve" entity. This fact confers to the generated surface the following properties:
    • The surface is invariant before linear affine transformations that preserve the form of the geometry such as rotations or uniform scalings.
    • The resulting geometry is the same if the given vertices are arranged in columns instead of rows.
    • The surface generated from a subset of vertices is equal to the surface fragment corresponding to that subset of vertices but the bounding area.
    • If several contiguous vertices coincide then the surface evaluates in a peak or an edge for those points. This property allows to generate surfaces combining curved and flat areas as well as edges.
  • table colors: Optional. A collection with lists of RGBA colors; one list per row of vertices. Each list should have one color for each vertex of the corresponding table row. Missing colors will be replaced by transparent. The colors will be interpolated if the member "smooth" is non-zero.
The member "face curved" should be provided with a non-zero value in order to obtain a curved face brightness effect instead of a polyhedron brightness effect.

It builds a surface interpolated from the given four sides that bounds the surface. This entity is typically used for organic modelling and can also be easily configured for obtaining ruled surfaces. Details:
When defining the sides the idea of a closed ring must be kept in mind so each side must be connected to the next one and to the previous one, no matter the order with which the points are defined in the sides. As a ring of four sides, the side 0 is the opposite of the side 2 and the side 1 is the opposite of the side 3. These are the members of this entity type:
  • ring: Mandatory. The list with the 4 sides. Each side is defined by a set of points which will be interpolated to generate a curve with the same algorithm as the "curve" entity. At least two points are to be provided per side but the sides can have different number of points. The length of any side can be 0.
  • s: Optional. Indicates the number of divisions that must be generated in the sides 0 and 2; if the value is less than 1 or undefined then it will be estimated from the configuration parameter "Tessellation".
  • t: Optional. Indicates the number of divisions that must be generated in the sides 1 and 3; if the value is less than 1 or undefined then it will be estimated from the configuration parameter "Tessellation".
  • ring colors: Optional. A collection with 4 lists of RGBA colors; one list per side. Each list should have one color for each vertex of the corresponding side. Missing colors will be replaced by transparent. When the surface is generated the resulting colors are interpolated from the values of this member.
The member "face curved" should be provided with a non-zero value in order to obtain a curved face brightness effect instead of a polyhedron brightness effect.

Applies a general affine transformation to the target entities defined in the "apply" member according to the four pairs of points provided in the member "pairs". The generic affine transformation involves a translation and a change from one basis to other one. With the optional member "align" the operation can be processed as an alignment. Details:
Each basis is defined by four points: one origin and the three edges of the three vectors representing the axes. Each pair of points entered defines the correspondence between the points in both bases. For example, the first pair of points defines the correspondence between the origins, the second pair of points defines the correspondence between the edges of the first axis, and so on. See the command Transform entities for more information. Depending on the number of pairs of points provided the operation can be:
  1. simple translation
  2. translation + rotation + elongation along a line
  3. translation + plane alignment +  planar deformation
  4. translation + complete transformation
If the bases present linear combination the operation may be unfeasible. As any other entity, this one can declare the members "transform" and "translate" in which case the result is the combination of both transformations. These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • apply: Mandatory. Container of the entities to which the operation is applied.
  • pairs: Optional. This member is a collection of pairs of points defining the correspondences between the two bases. If provided then the first pair of points is mandatory and each pair must have at least two points, the rest is ignored. If not provided then no transformation is applied.
  • align: Optional. If non-zero then indicates that the transformation is a 3D alignment. The alignment involves a translation and a rotation. The fourth pair of points will be ignored. See the command Align entities for more information.

Applies a rotation to the target entities defined in the "apply" member. The user shall indicate an axis and an angle. Details:
These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • apply: Mandatory. Container of the entities to which the operation is applied.
  • axis: Mandatory. The axis must have two points. If the second point of the axis is not provided then it is assumed that the rotation axis is parallel to the Z axis {{0}{0}{1}}, as if it were a 2D rotation in the XY plane. The length of the axis is meaningless.
  • angle: Optional. If the angle is not provided then 0 is assumed. The angle is expressed in degrees. The sense of rotation for a positive angle is the same as that of a screw advancing in the direction of the axis.

Applies a scale to the entities in the "apply" member. The user should indicate a scale factor and, optionally, an origin for that scaling.
These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • apply: Mandatory. Container of the entities to which the operation is applied.
  • origin: Optional. If the member "origin" is not provided then it is assumed {{0}{0}{0}}. The center of scaling is the given origin.
  • factor: Optional. If the member "factor" is not provided then 1 is assumed.

Calculates the symmetric to the entities in the "apply" member. The symmetry can be defined with respect a point, with respect a straight line or with respect a plane. Details:
These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • apply: Mandatory. Container of the entities to which the operation is applied.
  • references: Mandatory. The member "references" can hold from one up to three 3D points. If one point is given then the symmetry is with respect that point. If two points are given then the symmetry is with respect a straight line. If three points are given then the symmetry is with respect a plane.

Generates a 3D cartesian array layout copying the target entities defined in the "apply" member according to the given array dimensions and cell size. Details:
These are the members of this entity type and their meanings:
  • apply: Mandatory. Container of the entities to which the operation is applied.
  • dimensions: Mandatory. The member "dimensions" is composed of three integers that represent the number of cells in the X, Y and Z directions; the integers must be greater than 0.
  • cell: Mandatory. The member "cell" is composed of three numbers representing the signed distances between the copies in the X, Y and Z directions.

Generates a 3D polar array layout copying the target entities defined in the "apply" member according to the given angle and height increments. Details:
The polar distribution is built around the Z axis. These are the members of this entity type:
  • apply: Mandatory. Container of the entities to which the operation is applied.
  • steps: Mandatory. An integer value indicating the number of elements of the array, including the original one. It must be greater than 0.
  • angle step: Angle increment expressed in degrees corresponding to each step. If omitted then 0 is assumed.
  • height step: Height increment in the Z axis corresponding to each step. If omitted then 0 is assumed. This member combined with the "angle step" member allows to generate solenoidal distributions.
  • base: A 3D point considered as base point for the set of entities to be copied. If provided then the elements are translated to the destination points of the array. If omitted then the elements will be rotated as they are copied according to the "angle step" member.

It is not a graphic entity but it is involved in the rendering process. A view entity defines the render frame size and position, the projection type, the camera orientation, the zoom, etc. Details:
A drawing can have several view definitions each of which defines a render frame and how the model is represented in that frame but the current LAI4D version only considers the first one which is applied to the main viewport. It is recommended to place the default view entity in the member "view" of the root drawing entity. These are the members of this entity type:
  • projection: A keyword identifying the type of projection:
    • parallel: For parallel projections.
    • perspective: For perspective projections.
  • orientation: 3 numbers corresponding to longitude, latitude and inclination of the camera. All expressed in degrees.
  • point: 3D coordinates corresponding to the origin of the camera's reference system (point of view) expressed in scene coordinates.
  • zoom: A number with:
    • A length for parallel projections (scene's length represented in the shortest side of the viewport).
    • A field of view angle for perspective projections (camera's field of view represented in the shortest side of the viewport) expressed in degrees.
  • target: The Z coordinate in camera coordinates corresponding to the point around which the camera rotates in the orbital navigation mode (camera target). The render does not depends on it and it is only used in the event management for controlling the view configuration.
  • far light direction: 3D vector with the direction of the far directional light. It is assumed to be fixed to the camera and must be expressed in camera coordinates. The sense and length of the vector are meaningless.
  • far light factor: A number with the far directional light proportion, between [0,1]. It represents the proportion of diffuse reflected light, the rest is assumed to be ambient light.
  • focus reflection factor: A number indicating the intensity of reflected directional light that is focused, between [0,1]. This white light is added to the standard brightness leveraging its effect.
The function "Set current view" will set the current view definition in the member "view" of the root "drawing" entity. See also "Reference system and drawing units".

It encapsulates a drawing containing the graphic entities, view definitions and some metadata. Some of its members directly affect how the drawing is initially shown. Details:
These are the members of this entity type:
  • folder: The "folder" member can contain any type of entity, even view definitions. Entities with empty or undefined type will be handled as groups. Entities with unknown type will be ignored.
  • view: The value of the "view" member is intended to be the default view definition and, if provided, that view definition will have priority over those contained in the "folder" member. This is the initial view configuration used when the drawing is loaded.
  • background color: The RGBA color used as background for the drawing.
  • flags: This member is intended to contain a set of keywords whose mere presence indicates a configuration to be used when the drawing is loaded. Most of the keywords are directly related to one of the configurable options available through the "Tools menu". If the concurrency of several flags generates a conflict then the following flag order is used as a priority selector. These are the currently supported keywords and their meaning:
    • no camera inclination: It is equivalent to having checked the option "No camera inclination".
    • show reference system: It is equivalent to having checked the option "Show reference system".
    • no lighting : It is equivalent to having unchecked the option "Apply lighting".
    • inverted z: The default reference system used in LAI4D is the standard one in many regions but in other regions the commonly used reference system has the Z axis with the opposite sense to that found in LAI4D. If the default sense of the Z axis is not comfortable for the user then he can include the flag "inverted z" what indicates that the Z coordinates of camera and scene are to be inverted for rendering. This flag should be changed only in a new drawing. See "Reference system and drawing units" for more details. The "inverted z" flag is an experimental feature.
    • camera orbital: Sets the camera mode to orbital navigation.
    • camera polar: Sets the camera mode to polar navigation.
    • camera pan: Sets the camera mode to pan navigation.
  • version: Two integers with the functional and build version of LAI4D.
  • title: A string with the drawing title.
  • description: A string with the drawing description.
  • author: A string with the name of the author.
The functions under the "Drawing metadata" menu group will set the metadata members of the root "drawing" entity to their current values.

Extended entity set

This is the set of entities intended for special purposes.

Generates entities evaluating the algorithm described in the "code" member. The source code of the JS program contained in the member "code" is evaluated expecting an array or simple value as result, that is then converted into a Gosyx structure which will be finally interpreted as a normal entity. The optional member "variable" can be used for passing arguments to the JS program. Details:
Sometimes the standard entities offered by a CAD application are not enough for the intended design. LAI4D breaks this limitation facilitating the algorithmic generation of entities without restrictions. The "program" entity is the simplest way for a developer to generate entities from a programing language. Taking into account that an entity is a Gosyx structure, and considering that a Gosyx structure can be assimilated to a JS string or number in case of being simple, or to a JS array in case of being compound (which is the normal situation); the strategy consists of generating that array or simple value as the program's result in order to be later converted by the interpreter into a Gosyx structure that will be finally handled as an entity in the usual way. For example, the Gosyx structure shown at the left can be expressed as the JS array shown at the right and vice versa:
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 2, 0],
[0, 2, 2]
Compound nodes are assimilated to JS arrays and simple nodes are assimilated to their JS counterparts (strings or numbers). This strategy permits the programmer to implement the solution without any knowledge or constrain derived from the LAI4D or Gosyx APIs. The accepted simple JS values are converted into simple Gosyx nodes according to the following rules:
  • Numbers and Strings directly become the simple values.
  • Booleans: true is converted into 1, false into 0.
  • null or undefined are converted into an empty string.
The program entity currently supports only JavaScript. The content of the "code" member will be evaluated in a sentence like:
result = (function(){return eval(code);})();
Then it will try to convert the result into a Gosyx structure. This Gosyx structure can be a graphic entity such as a polynet, or it can be a group entity (an entity without "type" member) containing more entities in its "folder" member, or it can even be another program entity. It is to say, the result can be any entity known by the interpreter. Any problem will be notified as an issue in the usual way so it can be useful to include throw sentences in order to handle custom errors.

The content of the "code" member can be as simple as the source of a JS array:
Or it can be a complete algorithm such as:
{{type}{program}{code}{(function ()|123|
/*Represent function Y = sinus(X)*/
var result = ["type","curve","vertices",[]];
for(var x = 0; x <= 360; x+=10)|123|
result[3].push([x*Math.PI/180, Math.sin(x*Math.PI/180)]);
return result;

The user will normally use his preferred JS editor to create the JS code that will become the content of the "code" member. It is important to mention that the JS code will normally use characters which are considered special in Gosyx syntax (curly brackets for instance); therefore, when composing the "program" entity, it is recommended the usage of a tool such as the "Tree explorer", that includes the necessary syntax conversion capabilities, in order to generate it without incidences.
While a "program" entity can make use of the members "name" or "inherit", as any other entity can, it is to be noted that entities resulting from the interpretation of a "program" entity cannot inherit and cannot be inherited because they are not part of the original entity tree. The user shall avoid the algorithmic generation of entities with the members "name" or "inherit".

This is enough for implementing the algorithmic generation of entities and, as it can be seen, there is no need of using any kind of API for this purpose. Despite that, LAI4D provides a JS object named "AppLai4d" which is reachable within the JS code and is intended to offer the programmer additional functionality.
+ The AppLai4d object has the following custom properties:
Returns the JS-converted value of the "variable" member of the "program" entity.

The "program" entity can have a "variable" member that works in the opposite sense to that of the "code" member, it is to say, its value (a Gosyx structure) is converted into a JS object which is made available to the JS code under the name "AppLai4d.variable". This member will typically contain a number or a set of numbers which will be converted into a JS number or a JS array respectively, but it can hold any structure or simple value. It is intended to allow the passage of arguments to the program code in a clean way without the need of modifying the code itself. If the member "variable" is not declared then undefined is passed to the JS object "AppLai4d.variable"; if it is simple then it is converted into a number (if possible) or a string; if it is compound then it is converted into an array (note that an empty Gosyx node is a simple value so it will be converted into an empty string, not an empty array). From an interpretation point of view this member is optional but the JS program written in the "code" member may require it with a specific structure; therefore an improper use of the "variable" member may result in an error raised during the evaluation of the "code" member. An elemental example of the usage of the member "variable" could be:

Returns the value of the configurable parameter "Tessellation".

The configurable parameter "Tessellation" indicates the number of segments of the polygon that represents a circle. This value could be used when working with curved geometries. See the "Tessellation" section for more details.

Returns the length of the vector argument.

result = AppLai4d.VecLen(vec)
A number.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements.

Returns the vector resulting from multiplying the vector argument by the scalar argument.

result = AppLai4d.VecNum(vec, num, result)
A vector (array of numbers) with the result.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements.
A number.
Optional. An already existing array can also be passed as optional result argument in order to avoid generating a new array for the result. The vec argument can be used as the optional result argument without conflicts.

Returns the vector normalized (length = 1).

result = AppLai4d.VecNorm(vec, result)
A vector (array of numbers) with the result.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements.
Optional. An already existing array can also be passed as optional result argument in order to avoid generating a new array for the result. The vec argument can be used as the optional result argument without conflicts.

Returns the vector resulting from adding the arguments.

result = AppLai4d.VecAdd(ve1, ve2, result)
A vector (array of numbers) with the result.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements.
Optional. An already existing array can also be passed as optional result argument in order to avoid generating a new array for the result. Either ve1 or ve2 argument can be used as the optional result argument without conflicts.

Returns the vector resulting from subtracting the second argument to first one.

result = AppLai4d.VecSub(ve1, ve2, result)
A vector (array of numbers) with the result.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements.
Optional. An already existing array can also be passed as optional result argument in order to avoid generating a new array for the result. Either ve1 or ve2 argument can be used as the optional result argument without conflicts.

Returns the dot product of two vectors.

result = AppLai4d.VecDot(ve1, ve2)
A number.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements.

Returns the cross product of two 3D vectors.

result = AppLai4d.VecCross3D(ve1, ve2, result)
A 3D vector (array of 3 numbers) with the result.
A 3D vector (array of 3 numbers).
A 3D vector (array of 3 numbers).
Optional. An already existing array can also be passed as optional result argument in order to avoid generating a new array for the result.

Returns the distance between two points.

result = AppLai4d.GDistance(p1, p2)
A number.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements.

Returns the given 3D point rotated a given angle around the given axis.

result = AppLai4d.GRotate3D(axis, angle, point, result)
A 3D vector (array of 3 numbers) with the result.
axis A 3D vector (array of 3 numbers) with the rotation axis.
angle An angle expressed in radians. The sense of rotation for a positive angle is the same as that of a screw advancing in the direction of the axis.
A 3D vector (array of 3 numbers) with the point to be rotated.
Optional. An already existing array can also be passed as optional result argument in order to avoid generating a new array for the result. Either axis or point argument can be used as the optional result argument without conflicts.

Returns the interpolated value for the given parameter k between two points or numbers.

result = AppLai4d.GInterpolate(k, r0, r1, result)
A vector or number corresponding to the interpolation.
A number. It is normally in the range [0,1] but it can be any value even negative.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements, or a number representing the first item corresponding to a parameter value of 0.
A vector (array of numbers) of any number of elements, or a number representing the second item corresponding to a parameter value of 1.
Optional. An already existing array can also be passed as optional result argument in order to avoid generating a new array for the result. Either r0 or r1 argument can be used as the optional result argument without conflicts.

The performed interpolation is linear.

As a summary, the interpretation steps of a "program" entity are:
  1. The member "variable", if present, is converted into a JS object (number, string or array) and stored in the JS object "AppLai4d.variable" that can be later used by the code of the program since it is within its scope.
  2. The content of the "code" member is evaluated; the returned value should be an array.
  3. The retrieved result array is converted into a Gosyx structure that will be interpreted and rendered as a LAI4D entity in the usual way.

More interesting samples of "program" entities can be found in the section "Library of ready useful entities ".

A "program" entity could contain a malicious script so the user should consider the risks when interpreting such entities from untrusted sources. Anyway, the LAI4D widget is loaded in a separated web page what highly limits the scope of those scripts.

Generates a 3D molecular structure from the given atom definitions and atomic links. The atoms are rendered as colored spheres and the atomic links as lines in the usual way. Details:
The molecule entity allows to render a molecular structure requiring only the symbols and 3D positions of the involved atoms. In order to save computing resources the interpreter renders the atoms in a special manner: instead of generating real spheres, which requires too many computer resources when several atoms are present, it generates signals combining circular dots and a translucent image that represents the sphere brightness. This strategy allows to save resources taking advantage of the signals availability in LAI4D. Signals are 2D graphic entities rendered parallel to the projection plane and are scaled according to depth in perspective projections. But the strategy of using signals is not perfect. In general, the perspective projection of a real sphere is not a circle but an ellipse, although a circle located at the center of the sphere can be a good replacement when the perspective projection is not very forced. The brightness of a signal is not computed. The intersections of the lines representing the atomic links with the surface of the spheres representing the atoms also need to be simulated. The intersections between spheres cannot be calculated. As a conclusion, the usage of signals is an imperfect but reasonably good approach for representing large molecules.
These are the members of the molecule entity:
  • atoms: Mandatory. A container of atom entities. Each atom has the following members (the "type" member can be omitted):
    • symbol: A string with the standard scientific symbol of the atom. If the symbol provided is not found in the internal atom library a default radius of 159 pm and a default pink color will be assumed. Case sensitive. For example: "H", "C", "Na", "N", "Fe"...
    • point: A 3D point indicating the position of the atom with the usual structure as for instance {{0.5}{30}{7.34}}. The recommended measurement unit is pm (1e-12 m).
    • radius: Optional. The radius of the sphere representing the atom. If not provided then the interpreter will take the default value for the atom's symbol from the internal library which is expressed in pm (1e-12 m).
    • color: Optional. The RGBA color for the sphere representing the atom. If not provided then the interpreter will take the default value for the atom's symbol from the internal library.
  • lines: A list of lines representing atomic links each of which is a set of indices that points to the given atoms, as for instance {{0}{1}{2}{3}}. A line can have any number of indices greater than one. If the "lines" member is not provided then no link is rendered.
  • long links: If this member is non-zero then the atomic links are represented from point to point without simulating the intersection with the spheres.
  • show symbols: If this member is non-zero then the symbol of the atoms are rendered as texts close to the center of the atoms.
The table of elements of the internal library is based on Wikipedia data. The colors of common atoms are similar to those of other atom color charts and the radii are expressed in pm (1e-12 m). It is recommended to express all the geometric information of the molecule entity in pm, but as for the unit to use is the user's decision.
+ Default atom data in the internal library:

Library of ready-made useful entities

This section offers description and source code for several already done entities which can be of use due to their geometry or generation algorithm.

Regular polyhedrons
The five existent regular polyhedrons are built up by equal faces that are regular polygons with all of their vertices located at a spherical surface. The polyhedrons offered in this section are inscribed in a sphere of unitary radius whose center is at the origin. The face with the minimum Z is parallel to the XY plane and the edge of this face with the minimum Y is parallel to the X axis.
4 vertices
4 faces
6 edges
Faces are triangles

8 vertices
6 faces
12 edges
Faces are squares

6 vertices
8 faces
12 edges
Faces are triangles

20 vertices
12 faces
30 edges
Faces are pentagons

12 vertices
20 faces
30 edges
Faces are triangles

Generates a 3D spiral centered at the origin and oriented in the Z axis with the given height and the given initial and final radii. Details:
The result of the algorithm is a "line" entity that represents a 3D spiral. The vertices of the curve are calculated with a simple polar algorithm in which the radius and the Z coordinate vary linearly with the angle.
These are the elements that can be provided through the member "variable" with their positions:
  1. Total angle expressed in degrees. It can be negative. Mandatory.
  2. Initial radius. It can be negative. Mandatory.
  3. Final radius. It can be negative. Mandatory.
  4. Total height. It can be negative. Mandatory.

Multi copier
Generates a set of translated copies of the given entities according to the given set of vertices. Details:
The result of the algorithm is a group entity (no type) whose "folder" member contains as many copies of the given entities as vertices are provided. For each vertex the given set of entities is copied, and for each copied entity a "translate" member is included with the corresponding vertex as value.
These are the elements that can be provided through the member "variable" with their positions:
  1. Container of entities to be copied. Mandatory.
  2. List of vertices destination of the copies. Mandatory.
In the given sample the set of entities contains only a "box" entity. The set of vertices has been obtained from a "sphere" entity after converting it into a polynet.

User interface

This section exposes the different functions offered through the LAI4D UI. Some of them are only available in design mode.

User input

Several functions require various input steps in which the user could provide:
  • A selection of graphic entities generated by double clicking over specific entities or by window capture for selecting a group of entities completely contained inside the window area. See the "Selection & visibility" section for more details.
  • Texts or numbers typed in a text box. If the number entered is not an integer then the decimal separator shall be a dot.
  • Point coordinates manually typed in a text box. LAI4D implements a parser that tries to understand the data structure entered by the user allowing a great flexibility in the input of coordinates. The user could enter "17.3,90,-10" or "17.3 90 -10" or "(17.3, 90, -10)" or even "{{17.3}{90}{-10}}" and the parser will correctly extract the three coordinates. At least one coordinate must be provided, the parser will automatically append zeroes up to complete three coordinates.
  • One or more points selected on screen that can be singular points of entities, like vertices, or points located at the coordinated planes. When the mouse is close to a singular point of an entity its coordinates and a square mark are shown for highlighting that point and, if the user clicks inside the square, the point is selected. When the user clicks over a point that is not a singular point of an entity the selected point will be that placed at the coordinated plane (XY, XZ, YZ) which is more parallel to the viewport; therefore one of the three coordinates of the point will be 0. An exception to this behavior can be found in the function "Modify vertex".
When the function in progress requests a user's input, an input area is normally shown at the bottom of the viewport.

This input area can be composed of:
  • A cancel button (): If pressed then the function is cancelled. Some commands are automatically recalled when done. This button finishes the loop and only cancels the last call.
  • A pause button (℗/►): If pressed then the command is paused and the user can change the camera configuration in the usual way. Once the camera is configured the button can be pressed again in order to resume the command. This function is typically used while selecting points in the screen that are hidden for the current camera orientation.
  • A delta button (∆): If pressed then the input of relative coordinates is enabled. In this situation the on-screen selection of points is ignored and the manually entered coordinates are treated as an offset with respect the last entered point.
  • An angle button (<): If pressed then the input of polar coordinates is enabled. The order of the coordinates must be: radius, longitude, latitude (angles expressed in degrees). The coordinates left blank by the right will be replaced by 0. In this situation the on-screen selection of points is ignored. If this button is combined with the delta button then the manually entered coordinates are treated as an offset with respect the last entered point.
  • A finish button (): It must be pressed when the user does not want to enter more input items in the current input step. For example it can be used for indicating the end of input when entering points for creating a polygonal line or for indicating the end of the entities selection step.
  • A next step button (): It must be pressed for indicating that the current input step has finished and going into the next input step. It is typically used for passing the value typed in the text box to the function and going into the next step.
  • A text box: It is used for manually input of numbers or coordinates. Most of the functions that require the input of points allow either the selection of points on screen or the manual input of coordinates. When the user types a value in the text box he must press the finish or next step button in order to pass that value to the function. If the value entered is not valid then the application warns the user with an alert message and returns to the previous input status.

Apart from those inputs requested by the invoked function, there are also other functions that offer in-place configurations. These functions or configurable commands can be found under the "Tools menu" and present their corresponding configurable options as child menu items of the corresponding function menu item. The big difference between the requested inputs and the in-place configurations is the fact that in-place configurations are preserved between function calls so they have to be edited only when necessary instead of having to be entered each time the function is invoked.

On screen controls

The basic management of the widget is carried out through a set of controls which are normally hidden until a user action generates an event. These controls are organized in hiddable groups placed at the corners of the widget. Additionally a long press event performed over an entity will raise a set of context tools with functions intended for that entity.

Top-left corner
 Shows the Tools menu which is the main access to the functions and options available in LAI4D.

 Opens a new browser window offering the available sharing options. The goal of the "Share" functionality is to generate an URL with the necessary start-up instructions for sharing the current drawing directly as a link or as the "src" attribute of an IFRAME element.
By default the generated URL is exactly the same as that used for loading the widget. This default URL will usually indicate the start-up instructions when the LAI4D widget is in reader mode. But when LAI4D designer is being used the default URL could not contain any kind of start-up instructions. Therefore you should save the changes in your drawing with the function "Save server file" before trying to share it.
The application offers the following configurable options for the generation of the new URL:
  • Designer mode: If checked, the URL will point to the LAI4D designer HTML page, else it will point to the LAI4D viewer HTML page.
  • Include drawing source: If checked, the current drawing canonical source is included in the start-up instructions. The user must take into account that large drawings can result in too long URLs if this option is used.
  • Include file origin if available: If checked, the last known file origin is included in the start-up instructions. The LAI4D widget internally maintains a variable containing the file origin initialized when the widget is loaded and updated by the functions "Open server file" and "Save server file".
  • Include widget size: If checked, the size of the widget is included in the start-up instructions.
  • Include current view definition: If checked, the current view definition is included in the start-up instructions. This allows to share the drawing using the current view definition without modifying the own drawing source.
  • Encode the resulting URL: If checked, the generated URL is encoded with the standard encoding algorithm used for data passed through the URL. The result is that several characters considered special are replaced by a combination of "%" and a two digit hexadecimal number. This option is rarely necessary but in some cases, when the loading of the generated link or IFRAME code results in an error of the type "Bad formed URI", it may solve it.
In the case of both the current source and the file origin are simultaneously included in the start-up instructions, the source will have priority over the file. See the "Widget initialization" section for more details.

Opens in a new browser window the help documentation.

Full window
 Opens in a new browser window the current drawing.

Top-right corner
Camera mode
Selector button that indicates the current camera mode and allows to select among the following options for controlling the camera orientation:
  •  Orbital: The camera can be rotated around the target point. This mode allows to explore the entity located at the target point from different points of view.
  •  Polar: The camera can be rotated around the view point. This mode allows to point the camera towards any part of the scene.
  •  Pan: The camera can be translated parallel to the projection plane.

Zoom +
 Increases the zoom according to a preconfigured magnification factor. If a long-press is applied then a progressive zoom is performed.

Zoom -
 Decreases the zoom according to a preconfigured magnification factor. If a long-press is applied then a progressive zoom is performed.

Bottom-right corner
Type of projection
Selector button that indicates whether the current projection is parallel or perspective and allows to change among them.

Zoom extent
Performs a zoom that allows to view the full scene regardless of the camera orientation.

 Shows the list of issues (only when there is any). The list of issues will be normally populated by the problems reported during the interpretation process of the source. See also the "Errors and problems" section.

Previous view
 Changes to the previous view stored in the view history. A new view is stored when the view configuration of the camera is changed from the UI or when an entity defining child entities (sub-drawings) is navigated with the function "Navigate into".

Bottom-left corner
View source
 Shows the drawing canonical source in a non-editable text area.

Edit source
 Opens the source editor. This component is intended to offer the user an editable text area completely independent from the drawing where he can freely write new source code that can be committed upon request. The component initially shows empty waiting for the user input and it will retain its content when hidden. The component has the following buttons at the title bar:
  • A "get" () button that will replace the text area content by the current canonical source of the drawing.
  • A "commit" () button that will try to interpret the content of the text area and then will try to render it replacing the current canonical source of the drawing. The entire drawing can be cleared by pressing the "commit" button when the text area is empty. Any error during interpretation or rendering will be notified as an issue. LAI4D is transactional so this change is undoable pressing the "Undo" button in the tools menu.
  • A "select node" () button that selects in the text area the source code corresponding to the Gosyx node where the cursor is located. The cursor location is assumed to be at the beginning of the selection range so each time this function is called the selection range is extended to the container node of the previous selection range.
The drawing source is a data structure that describes the drawing. This data structure can contain graphic entities, view definitions, configuration parameters, etc. arranged as a tree. The source is considered canonical if all the data are encapsulated in a "drawing" entity but the widget is able to accept non-canonical sources in order to offer flexibility in the input. The user can write a drawing entity with a folder member in which the graphic entities are described, or he can directly write the content of that hypothetical folder member; both ways are valid. The following example shows a canonical drawing source at the left side and a non-canonical source at the right side defining the same graphic entities:
Indeed, when a non-canonical source is committed LAI4D automatically creates an empty drawing entity and then inserts the non-canonical source into the folder member of that empty drawing. The user will normally write non-canonical sources although the drawing entity may be necessary in order to edit specific members like "background color" only present in the drawing entity. Since the "folder" member of a drawing entity can contain any type of entity, even view definitions, the user can also include view definitions in the non-canonical source.
The source editor may not be the most comfortable way for editing an already existent drawing composed of many entities. See the "Tree explorer" and "Explore as a tree" sections for more details.

 Reinterprets the drawing source and renders again the drawing resetting the options. The modifications of the source and the UNDO history are respected. This function is useful for returning the widget to a known initial status preserving the design changes.

Context tools

When a long press event occurs over a graphic entity a set of buttons with context tools is shown allowing to perform the following operations on that entity:

Explore as a tree 
 The source of the entity is shown in the Tree explorer. In design mode this allows to directly edit the source of the entity. See the "Tree explorer" section for more details.

Navigate into 
 If there are children in the graphic entity then the widget navigates into the entity allowing to explore them. The children are found in the "folder" member. In order to perform a backward navigation use the "Previous view" function. See the "Sub-drawings" section for more details.

Navigate link 
 If the entity has a link then it is navigated as a web link opened in a new window. The link is defined in the "link" member.

View attached user data 
 If user data is available in the entity then its content is shown. The user data is defined in the "user data" member. It can be a simple text or it can be any possible data structure.

Dynamic zoom

Through mouse wheel events the user can make a general exploration of the model space. Each event produces a combination of a zoom increment plus a camera movement. When the wheel is rolled up a zoom-in is performed while the camera is displaced towards the area pointed by the mouse. When the wheel is rolled down the zoom and camera displacement are inverse.
To use the dynamic zoom is a comfortable way of exploring a wide scenario without the need of calling several times to different camera configuration buttons.

Tools menu

The Tools menu is the main access to the LAI4D functionality. The functions are arranged in a tree view layout that is shown when the user presses the "Tools" button placed within the group of on screen controls at the top-left corner. The menu items can have different purposes:
  • Group: It is a simple container of other menu items with a descriptive text.
  • Button: It is printed in dark red and invokes the corresponding function when receives a click event. As explained in the section "User input" it can contain more menu items intended for configuration.
  • Text input: Allows the input of a number or a text piece. Used for configuration.
  • Check boxes: Allows to check or uncheck an option. Used for configuration.
  • Drop-down lists: Allows to select an option among a set of options. Used for configuration.


 Undoes the last change in the drawing source and repaints the scene.


 Redoes the last undone change in the drawing source and repaints the scene.


 Opens the current drawing in design mode in a new window. If this function is invoked from design mode then the new window will show the drawing in its current state taking into account the possible changes performed.

Tree explorer 

 The tree explorer component allows to manage as a tree view the drawing or an entity. In design mode it also allows to edit the inspected element; the changes made in the element are committed only upon request through the corresponding button () at the title bar. LAI4D is transactional so this change is undoable pressing the "Undo" button in the tools menu. The button () allows to inspect the parent node of the currently shown node. The component does not retain the inspected element when it is hidden. Note that any node of the tree can be inspected in two different ways touching in the icon button just at the left of the node representation:
  •  As a simple value (for single nodes) or as an expandable tree view (for compound nodes). This is the default inspection mode. When this is the active mode additional buttons are shown at the right of the node representation:
    1.  Clear children: Only for compound nodes. Removes all child nodes from the current node.
    2.  Append child: Appends a new child node at the bottom of the list of child nodes. If the current node is simple then it is converted into a compound node losing its simple value.
    3. Insert before: Inserts a new node just before the current one modifying the list of child nodes of the parent node.
    4.  Remove this: Removes the current node from the list of child nodes of the parent node. If the parent node loses all its children then it becomes into a simple node.
    5. Focus this: Focus the view on the rendered entity owning this node. This function allows to find in the scene the entity this node pertains to. Not all nodes are child nodes of a rendered entity, particularly if the navigated entity is not the root of the drawing.
  • As a text area showing the Gosyx source of the node serialized. This is a convenient mode for copying or pasting a complete data structure. The serialization mode can be changed with the configurable option "Gosyx serialization mode". See the "Gosyx" section for more details.

View control

The full configuration of the view can be achieved through the use of the "view" entity. The functions described in this section cover the more commonly demanded view operations not available in the "On screen controls".

Zoom window
Prompts the user to select two points on the screen and performs zoom to the selected area.

Predefined views
Performs a zoom extent and sets the camera orientation according to the selected predefined view.

Approach target
Moves the camera towards the target point.

Dismiss target
Moves the camera away from the target point.

Set target
Prompts the user to select a point in the scene and modifies the view definition so it becomes the new target point.

Focus entity set
Prompts the user to select a set of entities and focus the view on it.

No camera inclination
If checked then the camera can only be oriented in latitude and longitude, the inclination becomes 0. This option provides the sensation that the Z axis is vertical regardless of the camera orientation.


 Offers different storage and retrieval options.

Browser's storage
Opens or saves a drawing file in the local storage of the browser. At the same time it allows to delete already existent files. Browser's local storage allows web applications to store data in a persistent way in the client's browser even if it is closed or the page is reloaded. Browser's storage should be seen as an utility for helping in the edition process of complex drawings, not as a permanent means for preserving drawing files.
Not all web browsers allow the access to the local storage while offline.
The files saved in the browser's storage will remain visible to any user that navigates the same web page from where the file was saved. Therefore the user should clean the browser's storage if he works in a shared computer.

Open server file
 Retrieves a file stored in the LAI4D server and tries to interpret and render its content. The user must enter the name of the file as it was returned by the server when the file was stored. This option only works when the LAI4D widget has been loaded directly from the LAI4D official site.
This is a free service offered by LAI4D. The stored files are uploaded by anonymous users and LAI4D does not offer any kind of warranty over their content. Detected abuses can be notified to LAI4D. If the user does not agree with the stated terms of service then it must not be used.

Save server file
 Stores the current drawing in the LAI4D server. The user must enter the file name desired using only alphanumeric and underscore characters. The name can be up to 32 characters in length. After storage the server will return the definitive name of the file composed of the provided name plus a keyword randomly generated by the server. The user should keep safe this definitive name in order to be able to retrieve the file in the future. The stored files cannot be overwritten. The file size allowed for this service is 500 Kb approximately.
This saving option is intended for those people that do not have their own web space and want to share the drawing through the Internet. For temporary saving of drawings the user should use the function "Browser's storage". For testing purposes use names beginning with "TEMP"; these files will be periodically removed from the server. Remember that you can store your drawing file in your own web space without size limits and then open it using its absolute URL. See also the "Publishing LAI4D drawings" section.
This is a free service offered by LAI4D. The stored files will be publicly available and any user with the file name will be able to access it in read-only mode since no logging is required. The integrity or accessibility of the files cannot be warranted indefinitely. If the content of the file is valuable for the user then to make a backup copy is recommended. Files without activity for a long period of time or with malicious content can be deleted. The author of the file uploaded renounces to any exclusive right over his creation that becomes of public domain. If the user does not agree with the stated terms of service then it must not be used.

Local drive
Open local file
Opens a local L4D file and tries to interpret and render its content. The real file extension is not relevant. Local files can also be loaded through a drag & drop operation.

Save local file
Allows to save the current drawing as a L4D file clicking on the generated hyper link.

Save as image
Allows to save a snapshot of the current view as a PNG image file clicking on the generated hyper link.

Import DXF
Imports a drawing from a DXF file. The following entity types are imported: lines, 2D and 3D polylines, circles, arcs, splines (only support points), 3D meshes. Styles and block references are not imported. Most of the not imported original DXF data is left in the resulting drawing as non-standard members or as entities without type. Only ASCII format is supported.

Export DXF
Exports the entities currently rendered to a DXF file. The program processes the entities and generates the corresponding DXF source. Then shows a hyper link to the generated DXF source that can be saved as a text file. Only geometry is exported, signals are ignored.

Import PLY
Imports a drawing from a PLY file. The following element types are imported: vertex (with optional red, green, blue and alpha properties), edge, face. Only ASCII format is supported.

Export PLY
Exports the entities currently rendered to a PLY file. The program processes the entities and generates the corresponding PLY source. Then shows a hyper link to the generated PLY source that can be saved as a text file. Only geometry is exported, signals are ignored.

Import OBJ
Imports a drawing from a OBJ file. The following element types are imported: vertex, line, face. Only ASCII format is supported.

Export OBJ
Exports the entities currently rendered to a OBJ file. The program processes the entities and generates the corresponding OBJ source. Then shows a hyper link to the generated OBJ source that can be saved as a text file. Only geometry is exported, signals are ignored.

Import STL
Imports a drawing from a STL file. Each solid becomes a new polynet. ASCII and binary formats supported.

Export STL
Exports the entities currently rendered to a STL file. The program processes the entities and generates the corresponding STL source. Then shows a hyper link to the generated STL source that can be saved as a text file. Only surface geometry is exported, signals are ignored.

New drawing
Opens an empty drawing in design mode in a new window.


 Allows to configure rendering and behavior options and parameters. Most of these options cannot be configured through the drawing source so they are offered for testing purposes in design mode.

Show reference system
Shows the 3 axes of the scene reference system with the current orientation in a small area at the bottom-right corner. The X axis is painted in blue, the Y axis in green and the Z axis in red.

Draw lines
If checked then the lines of the drawing are painted.

Draw faces
If checked then the faces of the drawing are painted.

Draw signals
If checked then the signals of the drawing are painted.

Stroke faces
If checked then the border of all the faces is stroked.

Apply lighting
If checked then the brightness of the faces is calculated and rendered.

Edition options
Generate transformations
If checked then indicates that the transformation commands (scale, rotate, move...) must generate transformation entities instead of modifying the 'transform' and 'translate' members. It is useful in case there is interest on configuring that kind of transformation entities.

Clone on copy
If checked then indicates that the copy commands (copy, cartesian...) must clone the original entities instead of creating inheritance resolved copies. This option is normally checked because in this way the copies keep the inheritance when the original entities use inheritance. If unchecked then the copying process creates new entities after resolving inheritance in the original entities. To uncheck this option may be useful when the copies are undergoing further edition processes for which the inheritance is not convenient. The member "name" is never copied and the "inherit" member is neither copied when this option is unchecked.

Design assistant options
Perform OCR
Perform Optical Character Recognition for measures painted in the sketch area. When this option is enabled the design assistant tries to match the recognized numbers to the painted strokes and to resize the obtained geometry. If this option is disabled then the possible numbers painted will be considered normal strokes.

Imagine hidden faces
Try to imagine hidden faces in 3D hypothesis. When this option is enabled the design assistant is able to imagine the hidden faces which close the 3D geometry in some cases.

Print assigned measures
The recognized numbers correctly assigned to the geometry are painted in the hypothesis close to the element they were assigned to. These assigned measures represent the successful resizing of the correspondent elements.

Print non-assigned measures
The recognized numbers that could not be correctly assigned to the geometry are painted in the hypothesis in a light color. This option is useful to highlight numbers which were correctly recognized by the OCR and linked to a segment but could not be properly assigned to the geometry.

Geometric hypothesis as source
Show geometric hypothesis as source instead of as graphic. The entities corresponding to a geometric hypothesis (normally a polynet) will be shown as a Gosyx source code. Useful for low resource computers.

Show raw hypothesis
Show the initial raw hypothesis. This almost unprocessed 2D hypothesis is not normally useful so it is hidden by default.

Show face borders
Highlight face borders in 3D hypothesis.

Inverse depth interpretation
By checking this option the design assistant changes the depth interpretation criterion when generating 3D hypothesis.

Advanced rendering options 
Perform hiding
If checked then performs hiding calculation according to depth. This must not be confused with the hiding of entities through the usage of the "ignore" member.

Scale signals
If checked then signal elements are scaled according to depth as any other 3D entity in the scene.

Ignore WebGL vertex colors
If checked then vertex colors are ignored in the entities where they are defined using therefore the face or line colors. Only considered in WebGL rendering context.

Force canvas 2D
If checked then canvas 2D rendering context is forced even if WebGL is available. If changed then a repaint is performed to see the effects.

Number that indicates how many segments should have the polygon that represents a circle. It is used for deciding the mesh density of a curved entity (line or surface) when it is converted into a polynet. If changed then a repaint is necessary to see the effects. High values of this parameter will result in longer rendering times when curved entities are present.

Behavior options
Number indicating the standard geometric tolerance. It is used in several geometric operations for deciding equality between points or for evaluating proximity criteria.

Gosyx serialization mode
Indicates the preferred serialization mode of Gosyx nodes in controls like the Tree explorer. There are three modes:
  • Single line: The whole node is serialized in a single text line.
  • Indent: Each child node of the current node is printed in a new line with the corresponding indentation according to the nesting level.
  • Table: Almost equal to the 'Indent' mode but when a compound node is composed only of single nodes then this node is printed in a single line. This is the default mode and normally the most comfortable.

Quick find vertices
If checked then the on-screen point selection will find entity vertices.

Quick find singular points
If checked then the on-screen point selection will find entity singular points like centers or control points.

Quick find graphic traces
If checked then the on-screen point selection will find graphic trace points. The auxiliary geometries painted while creating an entity are considered graphic traces.

Perform animations
If checked then indicates that some UI visual effects can be performed as an animation.

Selection & visibility

Graphic selection
Select entities by double click or by window capture. The window selection selects all entities completely inside the window. The user must press the "end" button to finish the selection process.

Select auxiliary entities
Appends to the current selection all entities with the label 'auxiliary'. After that the auxiliary entities can be easily hidden or deleted.

Invert selection
Inverts the current selection.

Clear selection
Clears the current selection.

Selection source
Shows the source of the selected entities.

Hide selection
Hides the selected entities. The member "ignore" with a value of 1 will be appended to the selected entities so they will be ignored by the interpreter.

Unhide all
Unhides the hidden entities. All entities of the drawing source will be scanned removing the member "ignore" if present.


 Contains all the functions intended to create or edit the drawing entities.

Create entities
Default properties
Allows to configure the default properties to be assigned to new entities:
  • Color for faces: Used for the member 'face color'. Opens the 'Color generator' tool allowing to select or edit a color definition. When the configuration ends the 'Done' button must be pressed in order to commit the changes. If the text input field of the 'Color generator' is left blank then no color is set.
  • Color for lines: Used for the member 'line color'. Opens the 'Color generator' tool allowing to select or edit a color definition. When the configuration ends the 'Done' button must be pressed in order to commit the changes. If the text input field of the 'Color generator' is left blank then no color is set.
  • Label as 'auxiliary': Indicates whether the generated entity must be labeled as 'auxiliary'.

Set default properties
Sets default properties to the selected entities. This command is useful to change colors and other properties to existent entities. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them.

Create line
Creates a linear entity from the entered set of vertices and considering the given command configuration. The command offers the following in-place configurations:
  • desired result type: Indicates the type of the generated entity. It is a drop-down list with the following options:
    1. line: The entity type will be "line" and will represent the entered polygonal line.
    2. curve: The entity type will be "curve" and will touch the entered vertices.
    3. polynet: The entity type will be "polynet" and will represent the entered polygonal line.
  • entity closed: Indicates whether the generated entity must be closed.

Create regular polygon
Creates a "polygon" entity at the XY plane from the entered center, radius point and number of sides. The polygon is circumscribed to a circle whose radius is the distance between the 2 points entered but measured in the XY plane.

Create face
Creates a face entity from the entered set of vertices and considering the given command configuration. The command offers the following in-place configurations:
  • stroked face: The entity type will be "polynet" and will have a face and the corresponding bounding line according to the entered vertices.

Create box
Creates a box entity from the entered pair of points.

Create regular polyhedrons
Creates the selected regular polyhedron from the entered center and radius point.

Create text signal
Creates a polynet entity with text signals and considering the given command configuration. For each signal the user must select the anchor point and the corresponding text string. The text signals allows several configurations. The text color is determined by the "Color for lines" configured in the "Default properties". See the "signal text" section for more details. The command offers the following in-place configurations:
  • font size
  • font family
  • font weight
  • font style
  • offset X
  • offset Y
  • draw polynet line: Draw a line joining the anchor points. By default the polynet only shows the signals.
For each entered signal the in-place configurations can be changed what results in different attributes for each one.

Circles and arcs
Includes a set of commands that allow the creation of circle entities from different inputs. Depending on the selected option, the circle can be placed at the XY plane or freely arranged in the 3D space. Some options allow to create an arc instead of a complete circle:
  • XY: circle from center + radius.
  • XY: circle from center + point + optional angle for arc.
  • XY: circle from 2 points of diameter.
  • 3D: circle or arc from 3 points.

Includes a set of commands that allow the creation of sphere entities from different inputs:
  • Sphere from center + radius.
  • Sphere from center + point.
  • Sphere from 2 points of diameter.
  • Sphere from 4 points.

Cylinders and cones
Includes a set of commands that allow the creation of revolved entities representing cylinders or cones:
  • Cylinder from axis + radius.
  • Cylinder from axis + point.
  • Cone from axis + radius. The vertex of the cone is the second point of the axis.
  • Cone from axis + point. The vertex of the cone is the second point of the axis.
  • Cone trunk from axis + 2 radii.
  • create bases: Indicates if the generated entity must be closed with circles.

Create revolved surface
Creates a revolved entity from the entered profile and axis. The points of the profile are interpolated to generate a curve with the same algorithm as the "curve" entity so it does not need to be planar. The command prompts the user to decide if the entered profile must be closed.

Create pipe
Creates a pipe entity from the entered profile and guideline. The points of both the profile and guideline are interpolated to generate a curve with the same algorithm as the "curve" entity so they do not need to be planar. The command prompts the user to decide if the entered profile or guideline must be closed. The profile is assumed to be referenced to the first point of the guideline and to the tangent to the guideline at that point. Extruded surfaces can be generated using a straight segment as guideline.

Create patch
Creates a patch entity from the entered ring sides. The user must enter the 4 sides of the ring in sequential order. Each side needs at least 2 points. Since the ring must be closed, the command automatically assumes that each side begins with the last point of the previously entered side. If the last point of the last side does not coincide with the first point of the first side then the command automatically appends a copy of that point to the last entered side.

Create mesh
Creates a mesh entity from the entered rows of points. At least 2 rows are necessary and each row needs at least 2 points. All rows will have the same number of points. After entering the rows the command asks the user the following options:
  • Close the mesh in the 's' direction (rows)?: If accepted then the surface will be closed in the direction of the rows.
  • Close the mesh in the 't' direction (columns)?: If accepted then the surface will be closed in the direction of the columns.
  • Make the mesh smooth?: If accepted then the generated surface will be smoothed.

Copy entities
⧉ Copies the selected entities to a new location in the scene. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them. The copying process is affected by the configuration option "Clone on copy".

Move entities
Moves the selected entities from one point to other. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them. See also the "Generate transformations" configurable option.

Delete entities
Deletes the selected entities. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them.

Clear drawing
Deletes all entities. This change is undoable.

Rotate entities
Rotates the selected entities the entered angle around the selected axis. If the axis' second point is not provided then it is assumed that the rotation axis is parallel to the Z axis {{0}{0}{1}}, as if it were a 2D rotation in the XY plane. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them. See also the "Generate transformations" configurable option.

Scale entities
Scales the selected entities according to the entered origin and scale factor. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them To perform a scaling by pairs of points see the command "Align entities". See also the "Generate transformations" configurable option.

Symmetric entities
Changes the selected entities to their symmetric. The symmetry can be with respect a point if one point is entered; with respect a straight line if two points are entered; or with respect a plane if three points are entered. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them. It is important to notice that the original entity is transformed to obtain its symmetric. The program asks the user for confirming whether he wants to preserve as a copy the original entities or not. See also the "Generate transformations" configurable option.

Align entities
Aligns the selected entities according to the three pairs of points entered. The alignment involves a translation, a rotation and an optional scaling:
  1. The first pair of points defines the translation from an origin point to a destination point.
  2. After that, the selected entities are rotated so as the vector formed by the origin and the first point of the second pair gets aligned with the vector formed by the destination and the second point of the second pair. If the user confirmed the scaling option then these two vectors are also used to calculate the uniform scaling factor to apply.
  3. At the same time, the vector formed by the origin and the first point of the third pair gets aligned with the plane formed by the destination, the second point of the second pair and the second point of the third pair.
Only the first pair of points is mandatory. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them. See also the "Generate transformations" configurable option.

Transform entities
Configures a generic affine transformation according to the four pairs of points entered and applies it to the selected entities. The generic affine transformation involves a translation and a change from one basis to other one. Each basis is defined by four points: one origin and the three edges of the three vectors representing the axes. Each pair of points entered defines the correspondence between the points in both bases. For example, the first pair of points defines the correspondence between the origins, the second pair of points defines the correspondence between the edges of the first axis, and so on.
Only the first pair of points is mandatory. Depending on the number of pairs of points provided the operation can be:
  1. simple translation
  2. translation + rotation + elongation along a line
  3. translation + plane alignment +  planar deformation
  4. translation + complete transformation
If the bases present linear combination the operation may be unfeasible. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them. See also the "Generate transformations" configurable option.
See here an example of how this command is applied to transform a wired cube using a tetrahedron as target basis:
Initial situation

Transformed cube

Cartesian array
Generates a 3D cartesian array layout copying the selected entities according to the entered array dimensions and cell size. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them. The copying process is affected by the configuration option "Clone on copy".

Polar array
Generates a 3D polar array layout copying and rotating the selected entities according to the entered axis and step definition. The user can provide the following data:
  • Axis: Two points defining the rotation axis of the layout. If the axis' second point is not provided then it is assumed that the rotation axis is parallel to the Z axis {{0}{0}{1}}, as if it were a 2D rotation in the XY plane
  • Steps: An integer value indicating the number of elements of the array, including the original one. It must be greater than 0.
  • Angle step: Angle increment expressed in degrees corresponding to each step.
  • Height step: Height increment along the axis corresponding to each step. This argument allows to generate solenoidal distributions.
  • Base: An optional 3D point considered as base point for the set of entities to be copied. If provided then the elements are translated to the destination points of the array. If omitted then the elements will be rotated as they are copied according to the "angle step" argument.
If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them. The copying process is affected by the configuration option "Clone on copy".

Project to 2D
Replaces the selected entities by polynets with the corresponding 2D projection in camera coordinates. The selected entities are removed and the new entities are appended to the drawing not occupying the old place in the tree of the selected entities. The result is a completely planar set of polynets placed at the XY plane (Z = 0). This means that the result should be viewed using the predefined view configuration "Plan: XY ∟ +Z". Camera coordinates are measured in pixels with the origin at the center of the viewport. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them. See also the command "Show projected vertices".

Advanced edition
Modify vertex
Allows to modify the vertices of the selected entity if it is of type 'polynet', 'line', 'face', 'curve', 'mesh' or 'patch'. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select one. An entity can be converted into polynets with the command 'Replace by polynets'.
Once the entity is selected the program requests a vertex to be modified. After selecting the vertex the user must enter the new coordinates for the vertex or must select a new location for it on the screen. If this last approach is used, the new location could coincide with another existent point, in which case the new coordinates will be those of the selected existent point. But if that is not the case then the program computes the new position assuming that the original point is moved in a plane parallel to the coordinated plane (XY, XZ, YZ) which is more parallel to the viewport; therefore one of the three coordinates of the point will not be changed (that corresponding to the axis more perpendicular to the viewport). This strategy is very useful when applying manually fine corrections to a vertex position.

Replace by polynets
Replaces the selected entities by the polynets resulting from their interpretation. The selected entities are removed and the new entities are appended to the drawing not occupying the old place in the tree of the selected entities. This command is useful due to the fact that some operations only work on source entities when they are polynets. Another important application of this command is the obtaining of a resolved standard geometry whose definition is independent from the specific generation algorithm of the replaced entity type or from the Tessellation parameter. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them.

Batch modify
Allows to modify, remove or add members to the selected entities in batch mode. The function compiles all members not inherited of the selected entities and shows a tree view allowing their edition. The "folder" member of an entity is not compiled but it do is searched looking for child entities to scan. The value node of each compiled member is initially shown empty. When the changes are committed, the selected entities are modified in the following ways:
  • Modify member values: If the new value of a member is not empty then all entities that originally declared that member will be updated to the new value.
  • Remove members: If a member (key and value nodes) has been removed then all entities that originally declared that member will be updated removing the member.
  • Append new members: If a new member (key and value nodes) has been added then all entities will be updated adding the new member, even if its value is empty.
If the user wants to set the value of a member for all selected entities regardless of whether it is originally declared or not, then the recommended approach is to remove the member in a first call to this function and then append it as a new member with its new value in a second call.
If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them.

Copy properties
Copies the configured members from the selected source entity to the selected set of target entities. The command offers a set of in-place configurable check boxes for indicating the members that can be copied. The function will only work with the members whose check box is marked, the rest will be ignored. Only members directly declared (not inherited) on the entities, source or target, will be handled. For the configured member names:
  • Members present in the source entity will be copied to the target entities replacing the previous member values if any.
  • Members not present in the source entity will be removed from the target entities if present.

Component operations
Generate lines and faces
For each selected entity generates a polynet with one closed line for each face definition and one face for each line definition in the entity. Useful command for extracting lines or faces from entities where they are not defined. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them.

Concatenate lines
Compiles all the line definitions of the selected entities and tries to concatenate them creating a single polynet with the resulting new lines. Useful command for generating a single line from a group of different connected lines. The original entities are removed. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them.

Convert to wireframe
Replaces the selected entities by a single polynet with their optimized wire representation. The selected entities are removed and the new entities are appended to the drawing not occupying the old place in the tree of the selected entities. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them.
Original entity

Wire representation

Generate surface contour
Requests the user to select surface entities and returns a polynet with the contour bounding the surfaces. The command accepts any type of entity but only surfaces are considered. The selected entities are removed and the new entities are appended to the drawing not occupying the old place in the tree of the selected entities. The contour will be composed of closed lines.
The function considers any face edge connected only to one face as part of the contour. If the user wants to obtain the multiple contour of a face defining holes instead of its single contour then he should consider to explode the face into triangles before applying this command. Closed surfaces don't have contour. If a valid contour is not found then the command is cancelled.
The original entities are removed. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them.

Merge entities
Replaces the selected entities by a single polynet with all the faces, lines and signals; non geometric members are ignored including colors and folder. Any possible transformation is resolved. The selected entities are removed and the new entities are appended to the drawing not occupying the old place in the tree of the selected entities. The command offers the following in-place configurations:
  • merge vertices: The vertices are merged according to the configuration parameter "Tolerance".
  • remove coincident or invisible faces and lines: If a face or line coincides topologically with other one then it is discarded. If a face or line has all its vertices equal then it is discarded. This option only works if vertices are merged.
  • preserve signals: If this option is unmarked then the signal definitions of the selected entities will be lost after the merging process.
If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them.

Explode entities
Replaces the selected entities by a group of polynets, one for each line or face defined in the selected entiies; non-geometric members are ignored including signals and folder. Each generated polynet will have only the necessary vertices. The selected entities are removed and the new entities are appended to the drawing not occupying the old place in the tree of the selected entities. The command offers the following in-place configurations:
  • divide faces into triangles and lines into segments: Each face definition is replaced by the result of its triangulation and each line definition is replaced by its segments.
  • create 'face' and 'line' entities instead of polynets.
If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them.

Optimize drawing
This command merges all the entities of the drawing into a reduced set of polynets in order to improve the performance of the widget when using WebGL. This operation is useful for complex drawings composed of many entities because it transfers part of the rendering work load from the JavaScript side to the WebGL side (when WebGL is in use).
The current entities are replaced by a few polynets and non-graphic information is lost including attachments. For that reason this command should be only used when the design is finished. Obviously the resulting entities can be edited again in the usual way. The result contains the following entities:
  • A polynet with all the signal definitions.
  • A polynet with all the line definitions.
  • A polynet with all the face definitions using the "face curved" member.
  • A polynet with the rest of face definitions.
Its worth to mention the following process details:
  • The colors will be redefined only using the "vertex colors" member.
  • Line widths will be ignored.
  • Invisible entities will remain unchanged in the drawing.

Geometric calculations
Generate entities from geometric calculations.

Line divisions
Generates a line between the two selected points divided into as many equal segments as the entered number of divisions.

Distance point-line
Requests the user to select a single point and a pair of points representing a straight line and generates the segment corresponding to the minimum distance between them. The calculation is not possible with a line defined by two coincident points.

Distance line-line
Requests the user to select two pairs of points representing two straight lines and generates the segment corresponding to the minimum distance between them. The calculation is not possible with a line defined by two coincident points or with parallel lines. This operation is very useful for finding the intersection of two 3D lines.

Distance point-plane
Requests the user to select a single point and three points representing a plane and generates the segment corresponding to the minimum distance between them. The calculation is not possible with a plane defined by aligned points.

Solve triangle
Calculates the side lengths and angles not provided of a triangle and passes it to the design space. The command shows a form with 6 numeric fields for the 3 side lengths and the 3 angles. At least one length must be provided. The number of lengths plus the number of angles must be at least 3. The calculation does not validate the entered values so it is not convenient to provide more data than that strictly necessary. These are the recommended combinations:
  • 3 lengths.
  • 2 lengths, 1 angle.
  • 1 length, 2 angles.
By pressing the "Solve triangle" button the triangle is solved and the blank fields are completed if possible. By pressing the "Pass triangle to drawing" button the triangle is solved if possible, and in case of success the triangle is passed to the design space as a polynet with the vertex α placed at the origin and the side C placed along the X axis. If the calculation is not possible then a warning message is shown.

Solve tetrahedron
Calculates the vertices of a tetrahedron from the set of segment lengths and passes it to the design space. All segment lengths must be provided.
By pressing the "Solve and pass tetrahedron to drawing" button the tetrahedron is solved if possible, and in case of success the tetrahedron is passed to the design space as a polynet. The four vertices are placed according to the following:
  • A: Base point at the origin (0,0,0).
  • B: Base point at the plane XY (x,y,0).
  • C: Base point at the X axis (x,0,0).
  • D: Vertex with positive Z (x,y,z).
If the calculation is not possible then a warning message is shown.

Interference operations
Perform operations from the interferences between entities.

General intersection
Requests the user to select entities and returns the line and surface fragments resulting from their intersections. The command accepts any type of entity but signals are ignored. The following intersections are calculated: line-line, line-surface, surface-surface. Only intersections between different entities are considered. Surfaces don't need to be solid or closed. Calculations that involve geometries with a huge number of segments or faces (organic surfaces for instance) can take a long time.
After calculating intersections, line and surface fragments are returned in separated polynets regardless they were originally defined within the same entity. The resulting entities preserve the following members from their original counterparts: line width, line color, face color, face curved, fill, stroke, labels. The original entities are removed. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them.
Example of an intersection between a box and an sphere. The image shows the 4 resulting fragments separated:

Cut by plane
Requests the user to select a set of entities and a plane defined by 3 points and returns the line and surface fragments resulting from cutting the entities by the plane. All the process is carried out in the same way as the command "General intersection".

Cut-line between surfaces
Requests the user to select surface entities and returns the cut-line resulting from their intersections. The command accepts any type of entity but only surfaces are considered. The resulting lines are encapsulated in a polynet. Only intersections between different entities are considered. Calculations that involve geometries with a huge number of faces (organic surfaces for instance) can take a long time.
The original entities are removed. If no entities are selected then the user is prompted to select them.

Drawing metadata
Generates or updates in the current drawing entity the values for the drawing metadata members. See also the "drawing" entity for more details.

Set current view
Sets 'view' member in the drawing with the current view configuration.

Set background color
Selects and sets 'background color' member in the drawing.

Set flags
Sets 'flags' member. The flags included in the value of this member will depend on the status of different configurable options. See the "flag" member of the "drawing" entity for more details.

Set version and authoring
Sets version and authoring related members.

Auxiliary constructions
Appends to the drawing graphic elements typically used as reference.

Orthogonal tri-axis
Generates three segments at the axes X, Y, Z with the given lengths and connected at the origin. The command offers the following in-place configurations:
  • length of the X axis.
  • length of the Y axis.
  • length of the Z axis.
  • also negative axes: If checked then not only the positive side of the axes but also the negative one will be generated.
This construction shows the position of the origin of coordinates and can be very useful as a reference for generic transformations.

Planar grid
Generates a square grid in the coordinated planes with the given side length and number of divisions. The grid is built touching both axes. The command offers the following in-place configurations:
  • side length.
  • side divisions: Must be a positive integer.
  • XY plane: The grid is generated for this coordinated plane. Marked by default.
  • XZ plane: The grid is generated for this coordinated plane.
  • YZ plane: The grid is generated for this coordinated plane.

Extract information

 Contains functions for extracting useful information from the existing entities.

Point coordinates
Show the coordinates of the selected point. The information includes scene coordinates, camera coordinates and vertex ID in the corresponding polynet.

Measure distance
Show the distance between two selected points. Additionally the coordinates of the middle point are also shown.

Measure angle
Show the angle formed by three selected points expressed in degrees in the range [0º, 180º]. The second point is the angle's vertex.

Measure polygon
Prompts the user to select a set of points and shows a summary with the following information:
  • Total length.
  • Center of gravity of the polygonal line.
  • Assumed planar area of the polygonal line. The assumed planar area is the area of the triangulation of the polygon resulting from closing the polygonal line.
  • Center of gravity of the area.
  • The result of triangulation is also shown (each triangle is a set of three indices pointing to vertices).

Physic properties
Prompts the user to select a set of entities and shows a summary for each one of them with the following information:
  • Polynet number. The interpretation of the navigated entity results in a list of polynets. This number is the index of the corresponding polynet inside that list.
  • Bounding box. Two points corresponding to the diagonal of the container box.
  • Total length of the defined lines.
  • Center of gravity of the lines.
  • Total area of the defined faces. Faces are triangulated before this calculation.
  • Center of gravity of the area.
  • Total volume bounded by the defined faces. Faces are triangulated before this calculation. The faces must be connected among them through shared vertices defining one or more closed polyhedrons; in other case the result may have no sense.
  • Center of gravity of the volume bounded by the defined faces.
At the end of the report the aggregated properties of the selected entities as a compound are shown too.

Prompts the user to select a set of entities and shows a summary for each one of them with the following information:
  • Polynet number. The interpretation of the navigated entity results in a list of polynets. This number is the index of the corresponding polynet inside that list.
  • Triangulation of the faces. Each triangle is a set of three indices pointing to vertices of the polynet. Triangles that share two consecutive vertices are coherently oriented.
  • Skins in the triangulation. Each skin is a set of indices pointing to triangles resulting from triangulation. Each triangle of a skin shares at least two consecutive vertices with other triangle of the skin.

Show current view
Shows the source code of the current view definition that can be copied for later use.

Show polynets
Show the source of the drawing as a set of polynets (only navigated entity). All graphic entities are converted into polynets before rendering. The source code of those polynets can later be used for other purposes such as, for example, creation of new entities or exporting to other formats.

Show projected vertices
Show the projected vertices in camera coordinates for each of the polynets resulting from the interpretation of the drawing entities (only navigated entity). Camera coordinates are measured in pixels with the origin at the center of the viewport.

Show resolved vertices
Show the final vertices coordinates after applying the transform and translate members for each of the polynets resulting from the interpretation of the source entities (only navigated entity).


 Miscellaneous utilities.

Shows the search tool. This tool searches for a string in the drawing tree returning the node where a match is found. The found node can be explored with the 'Tree explorer' what, in return, allows to focus the entity owning that node in the scene.

Show attachments
Finds out for each visible entity in the viewport whether it has or not attachments such as user data, link or children and, if it has attachments then shows the corresponding context tools.

Activity log
Shows the activity log of the working session that usually contains results of past queries and calculations. It is useful as a remainder of the previously entered data or retrieved results.

Color generator
 Opens a tool intended to generate the valid source code of a RGBA color ready to be used in entity definitions. A RGBA color is a compound of four numbers clamped to [0, 1] which indicate the red, green and blue components of the color plus the opacity usually named alpha component. This utility facilitates the obtaining of a color source code allowing to choose it from the shown chart of colors or to edit it manually in the text input located above the color chart. Such source code can be later used in the different style members of the entities.
This tool can also be called by commands intended for configuring a specific color attribute (the line color of a determined entity for instance). In such cases a 'Done' button is available to indicate the end of the color edition process. If the 'Gosyx source' text input field is left blank then the color is considered unset.

Base64 file encoder
Returns the base64 URL encoding of a file. HTML documents frequently use external resources located in files such as images, CSS style sheets, XML, multimedia or other HTML documents. These files, regardless of where they are stored, must be referenced using an URL. Modern browsers allow the use of a new type of URL (data URIs) that, instead of indicating where to find the resource, directly indicates the content of the resource. The big advantage of data URIs is that external resources can be converted into internal resources encapsulated in the same HTML document instead of being referenced. To do this the content of the resource must be encoded using the so called "base64" encoding. For example, the source code of an image element looks like:
<img alt="" src="images/sample.png">
and the same image defined with a data URI looks like:
<img alt="" src=".......
LAI4D drawings can also use external resources in an analogous way to that of HTML documents. The "signal image" entity allows the insertion of an image in the drawing whose "src" member is an URL susceptible of being replaced by the base64 encoded version. Additionally any entity can have a "link" member whose value could also be a data URI. This utility can be useful for publishing LAI4D drawings encapsulating images or external resources that cannot be retrieved from the Internet but from a local drive in the designer's machine.
The base64 URL encoding of a file will normally result in a notable increment of the file content size with respect to that of the original version.

Iquix administration
Offers administrative tools and configurations for the Iquix framework. These utilities are intended for the development environment or for helping to the LAI4D development team in the investigation of problems.

Browser capabilities
Shows the availability status of several browser capabilities. The "Status" column indicates whether the capability is accessible with the standard name or with a browser specific name. Additionally shows a table with properties of the WebGL support.

Web workers test
Opens a new window that allows to perform a test for measuring the available efficient web workers. It can be used for measuring the number of real efficient threads when the parameter navigator.hardwareConcurrency is not available, and for testing basic management of web workers.

Inject a script
Requests a script file path and injects it in the HEAD element of the document. When the script is successfully loaded a notification is shown. It is normally used for loading external JavaScript modules necessary for advanced Iquix administration, automatic testing, investigating unknown exceptions or activating custom functionalities.

Evaluate JS code
Evaluates the given text string as JS code. The JS code can be provided as an in-place configuration. Any error during execution is notified in the usual way.

Load the Iquix manager
Loads the Iquix manager that offers advanced administrative tools for the Iquix framework. Only for development environments.

Alert on exceptions
If checked then indicates that exceptions must launch alerts. It can be used to notify exceptions that have been inadvertently ignored by the implementation.

Enable custom traces
If checked then indicates that custom traces are to be enabled. Custom traces are normally placed in problematic software pieces and are disabled by default in order to save computing resources. They can be inspected as normal issues.

Exception report detail
Indicates the degree of information detail that the exception reports should include in order to limit the exposure of confidential data. Since exception reports must be analyzed by a development team not part of the client staff, there is a real risk of uncovering confidential data involved in the work in progress. In order to control this risk the following options can be configured:
  • Basic: Only text message of original exception. The report may include partial data of the work in progress. Low risk of compromising confidential information.
  • Normal: Summary of the whole exception chain. The report may include partial data of the work in progress. Low risk of compromising confidential information. This is the recommended level for most of situations.
  • Detailed: Summary of the whole exception chain plus arguments of the function generator of the original exception. The report may include complete data structures of the work in progress. Medium risk of compromising confidential information.
  • Exhaustive: Summary of the whole exception chain plus arguments of all the functions involved in the exception chain. The report may include complete data structures of the work in progress. High risk of compromising confidential information.
Furthermore, the exception report is a human readable text report so it can be inspected and filtered before being sent.

Design assistant

The design assistant is an experimental tool intended to provide a new way of communication between the user and the design application. Its objective could be explained as the capability of understanding the user ideas. The tool is fitted with the necessary controls for offering a bidirectional communication either by texts or graphics. That means that the user can enter a text or some kind of graphical input and, at the same time, the response of the tool can also be a text or a graphical output. The tool can be essentially used in two ways:
  • Entering a text string in order to be parsed obtaining the corresponding formal data structure, or in order to find help about a topic.
  • Making a freehand sketch or uploading a picture in order to obtain the corresponding conceptual geometry after a heuristic interpretation process.
When the assistant analyzes a user's input what it is essentially doing is trying to understand that input in order to generate a canonical or formal response ready to be used for design purposes. That response will normally be a data structure expressed in Gosyx syntax such as a list of 3D points, or a geometric entity that represents what the user has drawn. Then the user will check the response and will decide whether to apply it to the design or not.

The goal of this tool is to become a bridge between the user ideas and the canonical language demanded by the design application. Taking into account the pseudo anarchic nature of this kind of human input, such a translation process cannot be carried out in a deterministic way so the response may not be the expected one. Indeed the assistant will normally offer a set of responses (hypotheses) because the analysis process is probabilistic. The quality or the success degree of the response will depend on the clarity of the information supplied by the user and, mainly, on the knowledge implemented in the underlying analysis engine.

The design assistant is an experimental technology so it may radically change at any moment. A big effort has been done for implementing the firsts versions as a client side application offering useful offline capabilities, but this cannot be a long term strategy due to the limited power of personal computers. In the future most of its functionality will run on remote servers better fitted for executing the heavy queries and brute force algorithms involved in artificial intelligence tasks.

Interface controls

The common interface of the design assistant has the following elements:
  • SEND button: Once the desired text or graphic input is ready to be processed the user must press the SEND button to pass the data to the design assistant in order to be analyzed. While the input is in progress the SEND button changes to a STOP button allowing to cancel the process.
  • Input mode selector button: The mode can be  for text inputs or  for graphic inputs. When graphic input mode is active the sketch interpreter window is shown at the right.
  • Clear message stack button: It can be used to delete all the messages returned by the assistant in past processes.
  • Text input area: The user can type here the text to be processed in text input mode.
  • Suggestion area: It is an area used by the assistant to show a short message with a hint or suggestion.
Just below the suggestion area it is placed the message stack where the design assistant stores its responses. It is empty at the beginning and new responses are placed at the top of the stack.
The current version of the design assistant only works on the client machine so the SEND button does not really send information to a remote server. That client-server working mode is foreseen for a future version.

Working with texts

The design assistant in text input mode can be used to find LAI4D entity prototypes whose type or member names approximately match the words entered in the text input area.
In the sample image the user typed the word "poly". When the SEND button is pressed the assistant searches for approximated matches of the entered words in the internal catalog of entity prototypes. Each resulting match is displayed as a response in the message stack. The responses are sorted so as the most relevant one is placed at the top of the stack.

In a similar way the design assistant can also be used to provide Gosyx format to an unstructured text. In the sample image the user typed a set of coordinates separated by spaces and distributed in lines, although other separators or distributions could have been used. When the SEND button is pressed the assistant tries to recognize a data structure in the passed text. It implements several generic parsing rules for identifying the data pieces and their hierarchical organization. This means that the assistant is able to understand different syntax which, in return, allows a great flexibility in the input.
This function is very useful for generating the source code of an entity when the coordinates are to be manually typed or pasted from another format which uses a different syntax for structuring the data.

All text responses have a "Copy to clipboard" button at the right side of the response's header. Once copied, the response can be pasted into the source editor or a field of the Tree explorer.

Working with sketches

The design assistant in graphic input mode can be used to interpret a sketch extracting a geometric entity. When the input mode selector button changes to graphic mode the "Sketch interpreter" tool is shown.
It is a minimalist drawing tool that allows to paint freehand strokes or to load a picture in the sketch area. Its UI has the following elements:
  • Clear the sketch area.
  • Undo the last drawing step, either a pencil or an eraser movement.
  • Open a file picker dialog to load a picture in the sketch area. A picture can also be loaded through a drag & drop operation.
  • Define a constrain window for the sketch analysis.
  • Selector button for choosing between pencil  or eraser .

The sketch interpreter of the design assistant is the face of the conceptualizer program JAIC. The goal of this program is to "imagine" the conceptual geometry represented by an imprecise raster image in a probabilistic way regardless of whether it is a recognizable shape or not. When analyzing an image, the objective of Jaic is to generate a formal geometry with "sense", either 2D or 3D, ready to be inserted as a LAI4D entity in the main drawing. "Sense" essentially means that Jaic tries to detect geometric concepts or some kind of regularity in the given image. When enough "sense" has been found Jaic generates a geometric hypothesis.

In the sample image the user hand-drew the perspective of a shape in a paper sheet and then scanned it uploading the resulting picture to the sketch interpreter. When the SEND button is pressed the assistant analyzes the image of the sketch area and returns a set of hypothesis sorted by relevance in the message stack. By pressing the button the geometric entity of the corresponding hypothesis is passed to the design space. The design assistant tries to find the evident reference system of the 3D hypotheses but the insertion point of the entity is arbitrary. When the drawing is empty the program automatically performs a zoom extent so the just passed entity is immediately focused. In other case the user should manually find the entity.

The input can be provided either by drawing a sketch directly with the sketch tool or by uploading a picture. But it must be clear that Jaic works with pixels, not strokes, regardless of whether the input comes from the sketch tool or from a picture. The sketch tool only paints black strokes over a white background although Jaic is capable of analyzing colors. Sharp images with not too small details, with homogeneous backgrounds and good contrast between strokes and background are better interpreted by Jaic. The program doesn't have a preference for a specific kind of 3D projection but, as it happens to humans, some projections offer more information about the represented geometry than others and, therefore, are easier to interpret.

The analysis carried out by Jaic could be described as an artificial imagination process since it begins with a single static image, normally representing an imprecise hand-made drawing, and without stereoscopic pictures, depth sensors or motion tracking to help in the analysis. Such a process can lead to more than one hypothesis, some of them 2D, others 3D, some of them very similar to that expected by the user, others too different. The user is in charge of selecting the best hypothesis, if any, for his purposes. See also the section "Design assistant options".

About the current version of JAIC
This version of Jaic is still very limited and only understands simple 2D or 3D polyhedral geometries not involving curves. If the user wants it, measures can be painted in the sketch in order to obtain geometries with specific dimensions. If no measures are provided (or recognized) then Jaic sizes the geometry according to the proportions extracted from the own sketch. Furthermore Jaic can speculate about hidden faces in some cases. These functions can be enabled or disabled from the configurations available at the section "Design assistant options". Not all functions are enabled by default.

Jaic implements a light OCR (Optical Character Recognition) specifically designed for recognizing numbers painted in the sketch. These numbers are intended to be measures of segments and can have decimal separators. Once recognized Jaic tries to link the measure to the painted segments basing the decision on proximity. If the linking is not possible then the measure is discarded. It is not necessary that all geometric elements have a measure. With the final set of geometries and measures Jaic tries to conveniently resize the different elements of the shape obtaining an hypothesis.
The success of the resizing depends on many factors and it is possible that only some of the measures get finally assigned to the corresponding geometry. 2D and 3D hypothesis are resolved using different algorithms and have different conditioning so the set of assigned measures may also be different. Indeed the provided set of measures can be compatible with 3D shapes and not with the corresponding 2D projection. For example, imagine the sketch of a regular tetrahedron in which the user paints the 6 measures for the 6 segments of the tetrahedron; it is obvious that the given set of measures is only compatible with the 3D hypothesis and not with the 2D one. It is also possible to provide measures geometrically incompatible as for example giving the lengths 10, 4, 3 to the segments of a triangle. In such cases some of the measures are automatically discarded by Jaic.

To increase the probability of success in the use of the sketch interpreter follow these hints:
  • Simple and sharp images are interpreted faster and the geometries are better conceptualized by Jaic.
  • A good contrast between the ink and paper will facilitate the extraction of the drawing elements.
  • Avoid too big gaps when sketching lines.
  • If a scanned picture presents sheet borders or graphic traces not related to the sketch then use a constrain window to restrict the analysis area.
  • Avoid sketching partially hidden faces. Jaic is still unable to handle them and will only cause problems.
  • If numbers are used then try to paint them clearly, the implemented OCR has its limits.
  • The numbers must be horizontal and the digits composing a number should have similar size.
  • Avoid too big or too small numbers. The height of a number must not be greater than 1/3 of the biggest side of the bounding-box of the sketch. In other case Jaic will consider it a geometric element instead of a number.
  • The number must be close to the segment it is to be linked to, but not in direct contact, preferably with a separation of at least 1/2 the height of the number.
  • It is preferable for the proportions between painted segments to be coherent with the painted measures. This is particularly convenient for the elements without assigned measure.
  • Usually it is not necessary to provide all measures in a sketch, for example, two measures are enough for a rectangle. With more complex sketches try to concentrate all the provided measures in highly connected elements in order to facilitate the analysis.

The general features are explained through the next examples. The pictures shown as input can be used for testing purposes. Some of them have been drawn with the sketch tool and others have been scanned from a paper sheet. The analysis of raster images can be affected by the browser's zoom:

A simple, clear and sharp image. In this case both 2D and 3D hypotheses have a clear sense.

Jaic is good understanding tabular layouts, but many different connections between points may difficult the perfect alignment of segments.

By default Jaic imagines the vertex of a pyramid closer to the observer than the base, as humans usually do.

In general, regular polygons are easily detected in 3D hypothesis. As opposed to 2D hypothesis that work with segments, 3D hypothesis work with faces which allows other topological analysis.

Another example of how clean sketches of simple geometries are well conceptualized by Jaic.

The good contrast between ink and paper makes the scanned picture acceptable for analysis.
Jaic tries to give sense to the 3D hypothesis using the available information.

In this case the 3D hypothesis returned a regular pentagon, but poor sketches or blurred pictures are difficult to interpret.

Despite the poor quality of the sketch, Jaic understood it as a cyclic geometry. This analysis is performed only for 3D hypotheses.

Jaic correctly understood that the base of the prism was a regular hexagon.
The poor image quality hindered the generation of a 2D hypothesis with more sense and this, in return, could lead to useless 3D hypothesis.

This geometry is still simple enough to be conceptualized although resulting proportions between shape elements are not what they seem in the picture.

Despite the low quality of the image the 3D hypothesis returned by Jaic has a lot of sense.

The geometry is reasonably well interpreted but for the partially hidden face.
Jaic does not implement knowledge to handle hidden faces yet.

Jaic did what it could with this abstract geometry.

In this version the holes of a face must be connected to the external face contour, either directly or through another hole already connected. Faces with holes can be handled this way.

This is an example of how Jaic can work with colors.
If this picture were edited and converted to grey scale it would become into a grey rectangle.

Although the provided sketch is reasonably clear, the partially hidden face remains broken.

Jaic tries to preserve the proportions of the provided segments when they don't have assigned measures.

With those measures the orientation of segments cannot be preserved.

The measures were correctly understood but they only have sense for a 3D hypothesis. Indeed the 2D hypothesis shows one of the tetrahedron's sides, not its base.

Jaic accepts decimal separators placed at the bottom or at the top of the number. The size of a separator should not be greater than half of the number's height.
All numbers were correctly recognized but the perspective of the 3D hypothesis hides two of them.

Errors and problems

LAI4D manages an internal list of raised errors and warnings all of them referred with the common name of issues. The user can inspect that list at any moment by pressing the "Issues" button placed at the bottom-right corner group of on screen controls (only if the list has issues). Each time the drawing source is updated the list of issues is cleared and any new error occurred during that process is registered and notified. The messages are intended to be self-explaining allowing to identify the cause of the problem. In design mode, the error message is accompanied of an error trace summary intended to facilitate the investigation of the issue by the LAI4D development team when the cause is not clear. LAI4D implements the error handling strategy of the Iquix framework. This strategy focuses attention on generating useful information of unexpected exceptions as well as on providing additional tools intended to help in the investigation of difficult problems. Some of the configurations and utilities of this strategy can be found in the section "Iquix administration".

Most of error messages raised by LAI4D are related to the interpretation of the drawing source or the start-up instructions. It is also possible to detect problems which do not raise errors such as for example missing entities in the drawing or unexpected colors. Some LAI4D functions do not work while offline or when the HTML page has been loaded from a local drive instead of from the Internet; this is a browser limitation and not all browsers present the same restrictions. The user shall remember that the canvas 2D rendering context does not offer exactly the same characteristics as the WebGL rendering context and this is not an error but a limitation. See the "2D and 3D graphics" section for more details.

These are the most common causes of errors and problems:
  • Incorrect use or number of curly brackets when the source is manually edited. Nodes incorrectly closed or opened usually causes parsing errors.
  • Entities with undeclared mandatory members.
  • Incorrect order or number of child elements in compound elements of entity definitions.
  • Entity members whose value should be a container but is established as continent. A typical mistake could be to set the value of a "folder" member as an entity instead of a collection of entities. Furthermore this mistake will probably not raise an error because the interpreter simply considers that the folder has no entities.
  • Incorrect use of inheritance. Referenced names not found; inherited members that should not be inherited; unexpected combination of transformation members; the casuistic of this kind of problems is wide and normally no errors are raised.
  • Unknown entity types or incorrect member names. Typing "face" instead of "faces", or trailing spaces in the name can cause this error.
  • Unexpected value types.
  • Problems loading image files when a polynet defines a "signal image", or loading drawing sources from a remote server. Sometimes it can be a simple error in the file path. But it can also be a cross domain restriction, problems of the asynchronous communication or a limitation of the browser when working offline.
Graphic accelerated hardware is a limited resource and web browsers limit the number of WebGL contexts that can be simultaneously working. When the number of canvas elements using WebGL surpasses that limit, the web browser automatically losses the WebGL contexts of the oldest ones. This results in the disappearance of the graphic rendered in those canvas elements. In order to recover it use the "Repaint" function of the corresponding LAI4D widget.

In very rare situations the widget may enter into an unstable or erratic behavior. Sometimes this problem can be solved using the "Repaint" function. Although less probable, it is also possible to suffer other kinds of errors that have nothing to do with the topics previously mentioned. These are unexpected exceptions which indicate some bug in the application code, or even in the web browser, and should be notified to the LAI4D development team.

Web browsers internally implement a security control to prevent long JavaScript executions from freezing the browser. When working with large drawings it is possible to get an alert message raised by the web browser warning the user about this situation and asking whether to stop the script or not. If this happens the normal choice is to continue with the execution until the process ends, unless it is clearly caused by an error. If the script is finally stopped then it is recommended to reload the page. The rendering of algorithmic entities executing long loops could also lead to this situation.

When designing large or complex drawings it is highly recommended to make temporary copies of the work from time to time. This can be easily done with the function "Browser's storage".

In case you want to report a problem please visit the "community" section of the LAI4D's official website at www.lai4d.org.

Publishing LAI4D drawings

To share a LAI4D drawing can be as simple as sending a link generated with the "Share" button. But the user could face other publishing scenarios such as sharing large drawings or generating HTML documents with embedded drawings in which a better knowledge of the involved processes is recommended.

Widget initialization

This section explains how to provide the initial configuration and the initial drawing source for a LAI4D widget. This initializing data is called the start-up instructions and to know how to handle them is important for sharing or publishing a LAI4D drawing. The start-up instructions are currently provided through the URL data (a.k.a. URL query srting) that is the last part of the URL after the path of the HTML file. If no start-up instructions are provided then a default configuration is used and an empty drawing is shown. The following data items can be specified in the start-up instructions although none of them is mandatory:
  • The drawing source: If not specified then an empty drawing is shown. There are several options for indicating this item.
  • The initial view configuration: If not specified then the default view defined by the loaded drawing, if any, will be used.
  • The widget size: Is a pair of values with the width and height of the rectangular window area expressed in pixels that the widget should occupy. If not provided then all the window available area is occupied. This instruction is only considered in reader mode. Indicating the size of the widget in the start-up instructions is rarely necessary because, when the widget is embedded in an IFRAME element is this element in charge of specifying the size, and when the widget is displayed in a dedicated web page the size is not important.
  • Different widget behaviors such as those related to the initial arrangement of the "on screen controls".
  • The non-standard functionality to be loaded into the widget: The look and behavior of the LAI4D widget can be changed in order to add new functions for specific types of designs or according to customer requirements.
The start-up instructions are encapsulated in a data structure codified as a Gosyx entity. See the "Lai4dCL" section for more details about Gosyx entities. This initializing entity can have the following optional members:
  • source: Is directly the drawing source. The value of the member contains one or more LAI4D entities. It can be a canonical or a non-canonical source as explained in the section "Edit source". It must be clear that the value of this member is not an entity but a container of entities.
  • file: Its value indicates where to find the drawing source. This value can be simple or compound:
    • If simple then it is considered a string with the URL of a text file from which to retrieve the drawing source and works in the same way as the URL of any other HTML resource such as images or CSS style sheets. The URL can point to any domain and can be any of the types accepted by the browser such as "http" or "ftp". Relative URLs are relative with respect the LAI4D HTML file. LAI4D drawings are stored by default UTF8 encoded with the ".L4D" file extension but the real file extension used is not relevant.
    • If compound then it contains the necessary information for retrieving a drawing source from a hosting system that requires a specific communication protocol (a remote server for instance). The first element identifies the option and these are the available possibilities:
      • lai4d: The file is retrieved from the LAI4D server requiring only the desired file name. The value node of this "file" member has the prototype {{lai4d}{file name}}. The file should have been previously saved with the function "Save server file". This option only works when the LAI4D widget has been loaded directly from the LAI4D official site.
      • browser: The drawing source is retrieved from the browser's storage requiring the corresponding item key. The value node of this "file" member has the prototype {{browser}{item key}}. This option is intended for loading dynamically generated drawing sources through JavaScript in licensed LAI4D custom modules and it is disabled in the current version of the standard LAI4D widget.
  • view: The value of this member is a "view" entity that will be passed to the "view" member of the drawing entity (replacing any previous value) so it will become the initial view configuration.
  • append: The value of this member contains one or more LAI4D entities that are going to be appended to the "folder" member of the main drawing before it is interpreted. The "append" member is intended to let the user to modify the drawing source from the URL start-up instructions. Possible usages of the "append" member could be to include customized entities or to add a named entity which will be inherited by others. It must be clear that the value of this member is not an entity but a container of entities.
  • size: Is a pair of values with the width and height of the LAI4D widget in pixels. If the indicated size is greater than the available window area then scroll bars will be shown.
  • flags: This member is intended to contain a set of keywords whose mere presence indicates a configuration to be used when the widget is loaded. It works both in reader and design modes but it has no practical use in the last one. If the concurrency of several flags generates a conflict then the following flag order is used as a priority selector. These are the currently supported keywords and their meaning:
    • controls fixed: The "on screen controls" are always shown.
    • controls hidden: The "on screen controls" are always hidden.
    • camera fixed: The camera configuration cannot be modified through screen events.
  • modules: Its value identifies the non-standard functionality that must be loaded into the widget. This option is intended for loading licensed LAI4D custom modules.
In the strange case that more than one member for retrieving the drawing source is provided, the priority order is: source, file. As any other Gosyx structure, the initializing entity is parsed and this process could generate errors if it is badly written. The "Share" function is the easiest way for generating the URL with the main start-up instructions.

Here is an example of a complete URL with start-up instructions. In this case the LAI4D widget is in reader mode. The "size" member is provided. The "source" member indicates a canonical drawing source because it directly contains a drawing entity. Note that the value of the "source" member is not a drawing entity but a container that has a drawing entity:

In this other URL sample the LAI4D widget is in design mode. The "size" member is not provided and it would have been ignored anyway because of the design mode. In this case the "source" member indicates a non-canonical drawing source since it contains two graphic entities instead of a drawing entity:

Now this URL results in the same drawing as the previous one, but in this case the "sphere" entity is added to the drawing using the member "append" of the start-up instructions instead of through the "source" member. This is only an example, the combined usage of both "source" and "append" members in the start-up instructions has no sense:

This example uses the member "file" for indicating that the drawing source is stored in a file named "sample_a25" that must be retrieved from the LAI4D server. This could be the typical URL of a drawing intended to be displayed online assuming that the widget is loaded from the LAI4D official site:

In this case the member "file" indicates a remote URL for retrieving the source. This could be the typical URL of a drawing stored in the personal web space of the user intended to be displayed online assuming that the widget is loaded from the LAI4D official site:

Now the member "file" indicates a local text file from which to retrieve the drawing source (the real file extension is not relevant but must be indicated in order to find the file); the file is located in a directory named "sources" that is a child of the directory containing the LAI4D HTML file. It also indicates that the on screen controls must always be hidden. This could be the typical URL of a drawing intended to be displayed as an embedded IFRAME element in a HTML document prepared to be consumed not only online but also offline, in which case the LAI4D HTML page should be part of the document structure:
.../lai4d_viewer.html?{{file}{sources/sample.txt}{flags}{{controls hidden}}}

Suppose we have a file named "algorithm_a25" stored in the LAI4D server which defines a "program" entity intended to generate a especial geometry. In return suppose that "program" entity needs to be passed some arguments through its "variable" member, but it does not define such a member because it is expected that the user provides it through the start-up instructions. The "program" entity has a member "inherit" whose value points to an entity named "arguments" which is not defined in the original drawing. Then the user can provide the arguments to the "program" entity using the member "append" in the start-up instructions in order to append an entity named "arguments" defining the "variable" member to be inherited. Note that the value of the "append" member is not an entity but a container of entities. This could be the URL for that situation:
http://widget.lai4d.org/lai4d_viewer.html?{{file}{{lai4d}{algorithm_a25}}{append}{{{name}{arguments}{variable}{expected arguments}}}}

Some servers limit the maximum length of URLs in order to avoid abuses. Furthermore this limitation can also be imposed by the web browser. For example IE limits the URL length to 2048 bytes. This restriction is important when the drawing source is specified through the "source" member since large drawings can easily surpass the limit.
The dynamic loading of files can be problematic for a number of reasons. The simplest cause could be an error in the file path. But it can also be a cross domain restriction or a limitation of the browser when working offline.

It is pretty obvious that what is going to be rendered in the viewport depends mainly on the drawing source. Therefore, the designer should keep attention not only to the start-up instructions but also to the "drawing" entity configuration, particularly to the members "view", "background color" and "flags", which directly affect to how the drawing is initially shown. See also the "Share" and "File" sections.

The Iquix framework provides additional functionality that can also be activated from the URL data. In LAI4D this possibility is used for manually configuring the UI language (the UI language is automatically set by default to that of the operating system). For example, putting the text "lang=es&" just after the "?" character and before the start-up instructions will set the UI language to Spanish. The text piece after the "=" character must be one of the supported two letter language codes. If not provided or not recognized, the default UI language is taken from the browser configuration which, in return, normally takes it from the operating system. When a suitable translated text cannot be found then the English version is used. This sample could be a complete URL specifying also the desired UI language:
In case the UI language is going to be manually configured without start-up instructions then an empty start-up instructions ({}) should be provided. In other case the parser will consider that the start-up instructions are badly formed.

The official URLs for the LAI4D widget are:
Any other URL shall be considered provisional.

Sharing drawings online

When a user intends to design and share a drawing online the most comfortable strategy consists of the following steps:
  1. The user opens the official LAI4D designer web page.
  2. Then creates the drawing. During the design process the user can use the "Browser's storage" function to quickly store and retrieve temporary drawings.
  3. If the drawing uses "signal image" entities or integrates links which cannot be retrieved from the Internet then it is recommended to encapsulate those resources inside the drawing using the utility "Base64 file encoder".
  4. When the drawing is finished, and if the user considers it convenient, the "Drawing metadata" function can be used in order to set in the drawing source the current view definition or the background color. In this way the drawing will be initially displayed as the designer expects.
  5. Once the design is finished and ready to be published, the user saves the drawing using the function "Save server file" in order to store it in the LAI4D server making it available to the Internet. After the drawing is saved the server returns back the definitive name assigned to the drawing file which the user should keep. An URL for sharing the file is automatically shown too. If the user only needs that URL for sharing the drawing as a link then the next step is unnecessary.
  6. Using the "Share" function the user can generate an URL for sharing the drawing as a link that can be directly sent to other users, or as an IFRAME element that can be embedded in HTML documents. By default the generated URL is exactly the same as that used for loading the widget, something useful in reader mode. The user must mark the check box "Use options" and then unmark the check box "Designer mode" if he wants to share the drawing in reader mode. The check box "Include file origin if available" should be already marked.
The URL generated in the last step should look something like:

If the user has his own web space then to save the file to the LAI4D server is not necessary. The user can save the drawing source in a text file stored in his web space and then reference it using its absolute URL in the following way:

Drawings in offline documents

LAI4D can be used not only online but also offline. The LAI4D web page downloaded from the Internet can be saved to a local drive of the client machine using the standard "Save as" function of the web browser normally located in the "File" menu. This will allow the user to work offline regardless of whether the LAI4D page has been cached or not by the browser. This is particularly necessary if the user wants to create a distributable HTML document containing embedded LAI4D drawings as IFRAME elements that can be displayed both online from the Internet or offline from the local drive of a computer. The suggested steps for creating such a document are:
  1. Create a main folder in the local drive intended to contain all the structure and resources of the document.
  2. Inside the main folder create another folder for the LAI4D resources.
  3. Use the web browser to connect to the latest version of the LAI4D viewer page at the LAI4D's official site. Then save it to the just created LAI4D folder using the "Save as" function of the web browser (use the 'complete HTML page' option to download all the resources). After this the LAI4D folder will usually contain the main LAI4D HTML page and a new folder with icons, CSS style sheets and JavaScript files. Check that the saved LAI4D HTML opens normally with the browser offline.
  4. Inside the main folder create a new folder and place there all the source files of the LAI4D drawings that will be shown in the document.
  5. Create the HTML document with the desired layout and the desired non-LAI4D content and place it inside the main folder.
  6. Insert the necessary IFRAME elements (one for each drawing) in the HTML document. For each IFRAME:
    1. Configure the desired size through the attributes "width" and "height".
    2. Set the style properties "margin" to 0, "border" to 0, "overflow" to "hidden".
    3. Configure the "src" attribute with a relative URL pointing to the saved LAI4D HTML file and with the start-up instructions indicating the corresponding drawing source file. It is not necessary to indicate the widget size in the start-up instructions since the widget will occupy the whole IFRAME area. See the "Widget initialization" section for more details. The "Share" function can also be useful.
    4. The source code of the IFRAME element should look something like: <iframe src="lai4d/lai4d_viewer.html?{{file}{../drawing_sources/sample.l4d}}" style="margin: 0; border: 0; overflow: hidden;" height="200" width="300"></iframe>. Note that the path of the drawing source must be relative to the LAI4D HTML page.
  7. The HTML document is ready. It can be distributed as normal computer files (a zip file with all the resources for instance) or it can be published (uploaded to a web server) in order to make it readable online. The users reading the document online will be able to save it to their computers using the standard "Save as" function of their browsers.
As previously mentioned, some browsers restrict certain functionalities (particularly local file access) while offline.

LAI4D architecture

LAI4D has been implemented as a web application so it is composed of a HTML file, several JavaScript files, a CSS style sheet and some other resources like image icons for instance. Since most of its functionality is based on vector graphics LAI4D exploits the canvas HTML element. This means that it should be executed in a HTML5 compatible web browser, what is not a problem because all major browsers support HTML5.
LAI4D has been built over the Iquix framework. Iquix is a proprietary JavaScript library that ranges 3D vector graphics, computational geometry, physical simulation, artificial intelligence, multi-thread execution as well as other more conventional functionalities. When the development of Iquix begun it was still important to provide compatibility for browsers like IE6 or Mozilla running on Windows XP, which were not so old browsers at that moment. Iquix still preserves a lot of polyfills and compatibility functions for old browsers but this strategy has been considered obsolete and it is being removed so the use of a modern browser is recommended.

New web standards have supposed a great impulse to the development of web applications but some limitations still exist. Not all web browsers have the same behavior, same capacities or the same degree of compliance with standards. Security constraints limit the programmatic access to local files on the client machine. The multithread execution API is not completely stabilized and is uncomfortable and incomplete due to the not shared memory approach used. Browser capabilities may be different depending on whether the application has been downloaded from the Internet or from a local drive in the client machine.
If the user intends to work with LAI4D offline then some browsers require special configuration tricks for enabling certain capabilities while offline. Theoretically a cached HTML page should work offline much the same as online.

This section tries to offer a better understanding of the software scope and to clarify some aspects of the same.

Working modes

LAI4D can be essentially used in two ways or modes:
  1. Reader mode: This mode is used to explore a 3D design changing the camera configuration and for querying information from the drawing like point coordinates, distances, user custom data, etc.
  2. Design mode: This mode is an extended version of the reader mode and allows the user to create or modify a 3D drawing through the following main methods:
    • Source edition: The drawing source is a set of entities described in the canonical language Lai4dCL that can be handled as plain text. This would be the preferred method for users not willing to invest time on learning how to work with the command and graphic interface because they only need to handle basic shapes and are going to make an occasional use of the tool.
    • Command and graphic interface: In a similar way to that exposed by other conventional CAD tools, LAI4D also offers a set of functionalities which can be accessed by means of a command menu or selecting points and entities on the screen. Operations such as copy, move or rotate can be performed in a more comfortable manner using this kind of interface than using the source editor. The usage of the command and graphic interface, although clearly powerful, demands to the user an effort for learning several work-paths in order to achieve results in a comfortable and productive way. This is the reason because of the direct source edition can be better for inexperienced and occasional users.
    • Design assistant: The simplest way to exploit a design tool is to find an expert that knows how to handle the tool and that simultaneously understands what the user wants to design. To develop a design assistant with such capabilities is the initial and main purpose of LAI4D. This technology is absolutely experimental and is at a very early stage of development. The first versions will be mostly focused on sketch conceptualization and computer vision techniques.
Both working modes can be used not only online but also offline. See the "Publishing LAI4D drawings" section for more details. The LAI4D widget in reader mode (LAI4D viewer) will be usually found embedded in other web pages as an IFRAME element whose URL indicates both the location of the LAI4D HTML file and the drawing source. Obviously the LAI4D widget can also be displayed in a dedicated web page, which is the normal situation for design mode (LAI4D designer). See the "Start-up process" section for more details.

Storage and retrieval of drawing sources

In a desktop application the concepts of storage and retrieval are normally reduced to save or open a file in the machine's file system. However, in a web application the options related to storage and retrieval are wider. These options can be categorized according to the working scenario:
  • Usage of the URL as container of the source: The string typed in the address bar of the web browser not only indicates the path of the navigated web page but also can include additional information such as the data source.
  • Sources stored in the cloud: Remote servers hosting files or other web services can be requested to save or return a drawing source requiring some specific protocol.
  • Local source files: In certain conditions a web application can also access files stored locally in the user's machine much the same as a desktop application does.
  • Internal browser storage: Modern browsers are able to internally store in a persistent manner relatively large data packages that can be handled as files.
LAI4D exploits several strategies and web technologies for managing drawing sources because, depending on the user's intentions, some of them can be better than others. Since facilitating the sharing of designs is also an objective of the project, one of those options is the possibility of freely storing and retrieving drawing sources in the LAI4D server being this feature the easiest way for publishing LAI4D drawings on the Internet. But the user can also use another web space for this purpose.
In a similar way, those options can be classified according to where the data resides in the following groups:
  • URL: The last part of the URL contains the start-up instructions which can indicate directly the drawing source or where to retrieve it from. See the "Widget initialization" and "Share" sections for more details.
  • Server: The files are stored in a remote server and are publicly available on the Internet to any user having the file name in a read-only way. Particularly useful for sharing purposes. See the "Open server file" and "Save server file" sections for more details.
  • Local: The files are stored in a local drive of the user's machine. See the "Open local file" and "Save local file" sections for more details.
  • Browser: The files are stored internally in the own browser. Particularly useful for managing temporary drawings during the design work. See the "Browser's storage" section for more details.
Unfortunately some of the features intended to manage drawing sources in the own client machine may not work when the application runs offline and different browsers offer different capacities. Regarding the remote drawing sources, the user should be aware that, depending on the situation, difficulties may arise due to security restrictions. The good news for all users is that, regardless of the working scenario or any possible problem with the storage or retrieval functions, the LAI4D widget (reader or designer) always allows to inspect and copy the current drawing source as plain text; and in return the LAI4D designer widget always allows to set and edit the current drawing source as plain text.
The available LAI4D functions related to storage and retrieval can be analyzed in the sections "Share", "File" and "Publishing LAI4D drawings".

2D and 3D graphics

Regarding vector graphic capabilities, HTML5 offers two main approaches through the use of the canvas element, both covered by Iquix:
  • The canvas 2D rendering context that allows to draw 2D geometries. 3D geometries can be painted only if they are previously projected using a convenient library like that found in the Iquix framework.
  • The WebGL rendering context, which is also essentially a 2D drawing API but with the big difference that it exploits the graphics acceleration hardware present in the platform expressly designed to process at a high speed large amounts of 3D geometric data. This API again demands a special program for processing the 3D geometry in order to render it, a program that can also be provided by the Iquix framework.
Since both rendering contexts have different capabilities and the Iquix framework have different functions for handling them, the LAI4D interpreter acts as an abstraction layer trying to achieve a good degree of convergence in the drawing rendering process regardless of the rendering context used. In general the use of WebGL results in a better graphic quality and experience but unfortunately not all devices are WebGL enabled despite the web browsers do are compatible. LAI4D automatically detects the availability of WebGL and tries to use it if possible. If WebGL is not available then LAI4D will use the canvas 2D instead. This 2D rendering context, while offering a reasonably good experience, has some weaknesses:
  • Complex drawings render slowly because the accelerated graphics hardware is not available. From a mathematical point of view, the necessary calculations for obtaining the projection of the 3D geometry are similar in both contexts, but in the canvas 2D context all those calculations must be performed by the main microprocessor which is not specialized in such calculations.
  • The hiding of far objects by closer objects is imperfect. The perfect calculation of object hiding, while mathematically possible, is a process so heavy that it has to be replaced by a lighter algorithm based on calculating the painting order of the objects. To detect failures of object hiding is very easy even in not complex drawings. WebGL implements a more immediate and suitable strategy since hiding is computed pixel by pixel according to depth.
  • Curved surfaces appear as polyhedrons because the calculation of curved surface brightness is too onerous, although not impossible. For the same reason polyhedrons are to be painted with a single color per face, while in WebGL they can define a color per vertex obtaining an interpolated face coloring.

Apart from the typical linear and surface geometries, LAI4D also handles signals. Signals are 2D graphic entities that are always painted parallel to the projection plane regardless of the camera orientation, although they have a 3D position and are scaled according to depth when rendered in perspective projections. They can be images, texts, circular dots and polygons. WebGL does not offer a means for generating texts so they are created in an auxiliary canvas 2D context and passed to the WebGL context as an image.
LAI4D supports RGBA colors, it is to say, colors with partial opacity or transparency. The projection engine of LAI4D does not perform photo-realistic rendering so the use of transparencies may lead to unrealistic results. Line widths are represented normally in canvas 2D contexts, but not all WebGL implementations consider line widths different from 1 pixel so graphic entities may be rendered ignoring line width specifications in WebGL rendering contexts.

To develop a standard CAD application with its conventional interface is not a priority of LAI4D. Indeed the implemented design tool has been developed with the idea of offering those functions that are less common in commercial CAD systems, but preserving a good degree of simplicity for inexperienced users. Therefore LAI4D does not try to imitate the structure or behavior of other professional design applications although more and more functionality can be added as the project progresses. The following is a non-exhaustive list of graphic functionalities that are not currently a priority for the project:
  • Photo-realistic rendering.
  • Usage of materials and textures.
  • Advanced control of lighting.


The sketch interpreter implements Optical Character Recognition functionality intended to allow the assignment of measures to the generated hypothesis. It is specifically designed for recognizing numbers and completely runs on the client machine. This OCR is essentially based on a single layer convolutional neural network which allows a fast execution with a reasonable success rate.

Server side functions

The current version of LAI4D runs all the CAD and design assistant functionality on the client machine. This means that no information is sent to a remote server during the working process. This is also true for the "SEND" button of the design assistant. The "SEND" name is foreseen for the future when the heavy algorithms of the design assistant will need high performance computing. By now LAI4D is essentially an HTML5 application that can be executed offline.
Only the following functions depend on server side capabilities:
  • Storage and retrieval of drawing files on the LAI4D server.
  • Retrieval of drawing files from Internet locations using absolute URLs.

Start-up process

When the LAI4D HTML file is loaded in the web browser all the necessary resources like JavaScript files, CSS style sheets or image icons are also loaded. Although the LAI4D designer is an extension of the LAI4D viewer there are two different HTML files for them because the designer needs several resources unnecessary for the viewer. Once the resources are loaded the start-up process can be divided into the following steps:
  1. If URL data has been provided then LAI4D reads it looking for start-up instructions. The URL data is the last part (query string) of the URL after the path of the HTML file. Some widget configurations and the drawing source can be specified in the URL data. Additionally the start-up instructions could indicate the non-standard functionality that should be loaded into the widget. In this step it is also possible to configure a custom UI language that is taken from the browser configuration by default.
  2. The widget components are created and the layout is sized trying to fill the available window area. It is possible to indicate the widget size through the URL data. In reader mode the viewport occupies all the window area. In design mode a new component intended to show the design assistant is placed at the left or at the bottom of the viewport component depending on the window dimensions; additionally the page will have a header and a footer; the widget will have a minimum dimensions of 600×400 in landscape configuration or 400×600 in portrait configuration.
  3. The LAI4D widget tries to retrieve the drawing source according to the start-up instructions indicated in the URL data if any. If no source is provided then an empty drawing is shown.
  4. The drawing source is interpreted in order to translate the entities described into geometric information that can be rendered. Most of the possible LAI4D errors are reported in this step due to syntactic errors or fails in the structure of entities.
  5. LAI4D selects one rendering context according to the browser capabilities (WebGL if possible) and then renders the geometric information resulting from the interpretation step displaying the drawing in the viewport.
Any error raised will be notified in a report of issues. See the "Issues" section for more details. The usage of the URL data for giving the initial configuration to the widget is explained in the section "Widget initialization".


The LAI4D's official website at www.lai4d.org offers the following contents and additional information:
  • The documentation directory with manuals and tutorials.
  • A selection of didactic samples.
  • The community where users and developers can discuss enhancement proposals, post questions, share works or report errors.
  • Copyright notices and terms of service.

© 2016-2023 Lai4d Systems